Teladoc Health showcases the digital galeno cars | Negotiators

Teladoc Health has more than 70 million patients worldwide.
Teladoc Health has more than 70 million patients worldwide.Westend61 / Getty Images / getty

Telemedicine is not on Facebook. There are many interests involved in the business. Nothing more than human fragility in the water of “depressing movers and robbers”. Pero el mundo escucha ese fonendoscopio 2.0. Palpita lo asincopado y lo rhythmic. McKinsey calculates that digital health intrusions (virtual pharmacies, telemedicine, portable devices, applications …) will reach $ 350,000 million from $ 600,000 million passed in 2024. From 288,000 to 495,000 million euros. It succeeds on the planet. In detail, Forrester Research’s stadium analysts believe that by 2021 this market will have reached 43,000 million dollars, with more than 440 million virtual consultations.

Preoccupy mental health, depression, anxiety … One of every five Americans, according to the National Alliance of Mental Health, has some of these diseases. This year it has 182 million digital visits to its banks. EE UU is not good, China is not good, Europe is not good; in any case the world is in some way “hereditary”. The technological giants (Facebook, Apple, Google), the pharmacies, the hospitals, the insurers, the dozens of applications and the most speculative capital are given the amount of supremacy and, above all, money. The CB Insights consultant — quote The Economist– calculate that the funds destined for the third quarter of 2020 in this virtual galena sum the record of 8,400 million dollars (6,900 million euros). More than double that in 2019.

In this world of virtual medicine, the active principle is the money. In September, Amwell, a telemedicine company in which Google invested $ 100 million, raised $ 724 million on its website. Hi, its bursary capitalization is 6,000 million dollars. And the demand is not for creation. Doctolib, a French company, claims that its video consultations in Europe increased from 1,000 to 10,000 diaries.

This is the space donde voorskryf su negocio la estadounidense Teladoc Health, one of the giants of the sector with more than 2,000 workers. It is expected that we will raise 1,015 million billing dollars and tens of millions of virtual consultations. Thanks to the pandemic? Ellos lo niegan. Only 10% of our visits are related to covid-19. The people consult us for infections, including hypertension, cleft palate, dermatological problems, anxiety and depression, ”said Jason Gorevic, Teladoc Health’s delegate. It is a way of justifying: it is not coyuntural, it is the health of sail XXI. Eso sí. “The coronavirus has accelerated its implantation between three and five years,” he explained.

But the company’s strategy has accumulated goals. Ha ido comprande empresas. In 2018, the Spanish company Advance Medical — a union of telemedicine companies founded by Marc Subirats and Carlos Nuevo, that “oversees the supervision of Barcelona in all its commercial operations in North America”, points out the delegate council, and searches for partners with Spanish insurers. also in August Livongo Health (specialized in chronic patients, which pays 18,500 million dollars) and InTouch Health, a center in hospital telemedicine.

Elvin? “We will follow our policy of organic and inorganic crime,” Gorevic said. A good strategy. Do you have any money? “An area that can complement its service offering is its physical therapies,” reflects Arielle Trzcinski, senior analyst at Forrester Research. Everything corresponds to a sector that lives in an agitated atmosphere of buying. Omada (physical treatments) acquisition Physera has started years to compete with companies such as Kaia, Kiio, Sprite Health or Sword Health. The Mayor has very many developments in physical therapies and pain.

Medical supplies are available because this digital exhibit can help patients, for example, with cancer, consultations. “Definitely medicine in the dark”, advised The New York Times Sean Morris, family doctor in London. “It’s arriesgado and not it with what we are familiar with. There is a preoccupation with the fact that my patients are traumatized, it is possible that there are no signs of more serious illnesses like cancer ”.

Telephone Company

Pero Teladoc Health creates, there are more than 175 countries and “in Spain thanks to the red 5G of our Telephony company – with which launched Movistar Salud – we can reach 14 million customers”, Gorevic advances. ‘A crime [impulsado en España] for chronic illnesses like diabetes, a service that we hope will bring soon ”, revealed. The coke sales have increased (the action has revalued 132% this year and between the shareholders of the BlackRock branch, the mayor is responsible for the assets of the world) and “demand for our nursing services and infections and a change in the expectant of the customer, we are trusted in our crime ”, relates the executive. “We serve more than 70 million people”, added.

The North Americans come to this medicine of zoom a way to reduce the inequality of its sanitation system. “We’ll have a very long time coming that virtual health is the greatest level to proportion access to a high quality health,” the Teladoc adviser said. Pero ni las videolamadas o el telephon son adeecuados para todo el mundo. We think about people with disabilities for learning, we think about the fragility of the most debilitating; pensemos en su salud.
