‘Tecatito’ Corona is doubtful for a match against Juventus

Porto coach Sergio Conceicao informs that the Mexican has a hematoma in the periorbitaria region by a golfer

Tecatito Corona, football player Porto, sufrió un choque de cabezas el pasade sabado, mismo lo lo dejo sin vista for some moments, for lo tuvo que salir de cambio. Aquel incident pone in doubt the presence of Tecatito ahead of Juventus vuelta de los Octavos de Final of the UEFA Champions League, then the “hematoma in the periorbitaria region derecha” did not have time to train at the par of his partners.

Tecatito included in the list of 27 players of Porto who traveled to Turin for the second chapter of the first leg against the Italians, despite the fact that the Blue Dragons had the advantage of 1-2, without embarrassment, the Portuguese had the hope of being able to face the Mexican and Pepe, otherwise the players that salieron lesionados in the duel ante Gil Vicente the end of week.

“[Chancel] Mbemba has high training and many positive indications, is available for the game. Pepe y Corona only about game time, digamos. It’s really in doubt, it’s worth it. Marko Grujic’s lesion with a pie and we will move on to evolution “, the technical director Sérgio Conceicao said in a few words before flying to Italy.

The Monterrey canter was held in the duel of the past week Gil Gil Vicente, without embarrassment, suffered a shock in the last minutes of the first half, as long as he lost sight of the moments, the situation by which he was injured by Luis Díaz.

Corona tampoco pudo regresar, con el trauma que tuvo. No podium ver nada, no pudo levantarse “, explained Conceicao.

Tecatito has been repatriated to the home side and has been in good health for the rest of the season, but these months he has to travel to Turin, Mexico and he can do gymnastics work in the hope of an ultimate test that will allow him to play the Juventus duel.
