Teachers will not be moved up in the vaccination distribution plan to accommodate the reopening of the school

However, during a virtual update on Wednesday, she reminded people that some teachers fall into an earlier phase of 1B which enables them to get the vaccine now.

“The teachers who go back to the classroom, they can actually be vaccinated if they are 75 years or older, and many teachers have a chronic condition and qualify within the first two subgroups of 1B,” she said.

Why was the decision made to start learning in person before all teachers could be vaccinated?

Dr. David Scrase, cabinet secretary of the Department of Human Services in New Mexico, answered the question for a legislative education committee.

He said this comes down to data showing that schools do not have as great a risk for superspreader as previously thought.

“We looked at all the issues in the schools,” he said. ‘At its peak there were a total of 250 students and teachers in a week, it was November 2 to 9, working out about 20 cases a day, and it was back when we had 1,200 to 2,000 cases a day , so very small number. ‘

Teachers fall into the phase 1B subgroup with other essential workers.

This is the next group eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. However, no timeline was given for the expectation that the group would be vaccinated. The state says it will depend on supply and demand.

Officials say about 900,000 new Mexicans could currently receive the COVID-19 vaccine. However, the state received only about 316,000 vaccinations. Nearly 300,000 of the vaccines have already been administered.

New Mexico is one of the top states in the country in terms of vaccine administration.

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