Tax credit for children: the amount of the IRS is dice to make a delivery and the amount of $ 3,600 per hijo | Univision Diner News

It means that do not use it as a means of enforcing the exclusive web page for eligible persons to give credit to the IRS, as Rettig has advertised before being affected by complications with the actual time of declarations. “We will launch (the program) completely in July. We will start with the pages on a monthly basis”, said Rettig this week in an audience at the Congress.

This year, the eligible hogares will receive a credit of $ 3,600 for each year of marriage up to 6 years and $ 3,000 for the children of between 7 and 16 years bajo is a credit known in English as Child Tax Credit (CTC) ‘Potential’, as only one estimated experts could help increase poverty to around 4.1 million.

Asimismo, only for this year, the mitad of the dinor by this credit will be deducted from the eligible persons in monthly quotes from July y, the other mitad, to conclude the year.

An important premise is that the estimate plan approved by the Congress in March stipulates that this year it will be offered to others who otherwise have no choice but to adopt the families who have the moment to comply ingresso ganado (earnings) from at least $ 2,500 a year.

The families of many resources need to present a statement this year

Precisely in this scenario, the IRS urges individuals who habitually do not have to declare taxes to present this year as a tribunal. Esa es the quickest way for the governor to access the information available to send this credit to the eligible families. You can use the herramine Free file of the IRS. Here you can access it in Spain.

“‘Free-File’ is a good way to approve tributary benefits to help workers and families, Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Additional Credit by Hijo (Bykomende kinderbelastingkreda, ACTC) special rule for the covid-19 pandemic, the forwarded persons during 2020 can only qualify for these benefits. highs as of 2020 “, the IRS explained.

This new special standard for this year is key, if, for example, you lose your job in 2020, the benefits for example will not be considered an entry for work and you can affect your eligibility for credit.

The IRS acknowledges that presenting a tribunal is this year essential for families of children and moderate remedies that are usually not required to comply with this requirement. “Historically, many of these families have been receiving the work credit and the credit for it because they did not present a declaration,” the federal agency said.

Continuation of the keys to this ‘potential’ credit by dependent term:

