Tauro Horoscope – Domingo March 14, 2021 | Tauro Horoscopes

With the Luna transiting in your case 12 are very thoughtful, and introspective, you feel sorry for why you need to combine your personal strength and your intuition to log what you propose with Mercury in Acuario look for the different form of hacker to disrupt the process, viniste a pasarla bien.

Uranus in sextile to Saturn, approve this transit to integrate new things into your life, if we change the perspective also change its results.

Venus sextil a Jupiter, este dia te sientes generoso, cariñoso y alguien que inspirira mucha confianza, la popularity de tuya, todos te reconocen por esa essence tuya que te caracteriza, el equilibrio se refleja en ti y eso te otorga mucha confianza.

Discover the love of your life in this transit and test the available energy.


With the energy of Libra in the case of health, Hydrated mantle, avoid refreshments and sodas. The urinary tract and lining can be affected by this transit.

Con Marte in case of your material value, you are in search of new interests, quiza what you are doing today is a monotonous and routine flight, thanks to the possibility of changing performance or functions.

Learn new things and reinvent.

Scorpio in the house of the couple, work with that which you molest the other, with your girls and your shadow that is reflected in your couple, many times it is not the couple, you are manifested in it. Abret to the possibility of taking therapy or looking for a way to work your personality.

Hablando with a spirited sabio, part 1

With Gemini in your home, be creative and discover opportunities to build your financial solidarity. This is an opportunity to build.

This day you can feel free to your union is honest and spiritual, good moment to practice tantric sex. Sagittarius in the case of sex.

Amor: Virgo, Ram, Tauro

Amistad: Escorpio, Piscis, Libra

Laboral: Géminis, Escorpio, Acuario.

Happiness is more than perfection, happiness is simple, it’s a line of goosebumps and spontaneity. Accept your imperfections and be happy.

Mercury in Aquarium, house of the mind.

