Tal Ben-Shahar: “The Beehive Conducts Higher Levels of Innovation and Creativity”

Tal Ben-Shahar (1970) is Professor of Positive Psychology at Harvard University. Of its initial students, it now teaches more than 1,500 students per semester, and its teaching is the most popular at the university. Ben-Shahar is the star of the star Congress of Education Ciento Volando, de SM, where social relations, friendship, the management of negative emotions or daily routines to increase happiness in our diary life, more so in the teaching profession.

In your opinion at the Congress of Education Ciento Volando, de SM, hablarás de cómo aumentar la felicidad en nuestra vida diaria. Introduce happiness in the halls is the key to a better Education?
—Tudio has studied demonstrations that increase the cost of living at the highest levels of innovation and creativity. This applies to the classmates, the managers in the office and the doctors in the hospital. Congratulations are not just a pleasant read; is an essential element of the success in these cases all the spheres in the large part of the life. When we experience emotions, we are more creative, we are more motivated, we have better relationships and we are more physically healthy. Schools need to invest in the happiness of their students as an end in itself and also as a medium to stay longer. We have a science of happiness, so we have no excuse for schools to abstain from teaching.

What advice do darias give to professors or college directors to be able to work on their day and day?
—Haga del bienestar una prioritidad, para usted y para sus alumnos. It means introducing rituals like leaving a diary of gratitude, doing physical exercise regularly, as well as the practice of full attention to one another and the group.

What about the families?
—La clave está, una vez más, en crear rituele.

It was the students’ turn to follow the classes from the house, as well as the relationship and the game with their companions, what does the team support in learning?
—The apprenticeship remote has a very high price, without embarrassment, given that there is not much we can do to respect, we must approve it to the maximum. It is important to cultivate relationships as well as to maintain deep conversations. Interchange emojis no es el camino a la profundidad; debate a text during a hora¡¡lo es!

Define happiness as the integral part of the person and words of training, which will increase a person’s desire to own property?
—One of the mayors is a barrier to the double-mindedness of the criminal race that the people apply to the pursuit of self-immolation. Do you think that reading a book about playing the piano is enough to convert into a piano concerto? Study a manual on how to convert balancing ball technique into a good user? Difficultly. The theory is, in the best of cases, a first step in a mile journey. Invert time and effort to the instrument or in the cancellation is fundamental if we want to improve, read more lies, climb more alto. Y, sin embargo, pesar de nuestra compensation de lo que se nezere para unarrollar una habilidad, many people todavía creen que al leer un liba de autoayuda seran más felices. Expectant tales are very realistic and, for that matter, frustrating the possibility of a real change and duration. We need to put effort and effort into the rituals.

The next week participates in the Congress of Education Ciento Volando, of SM, what do you want to send to the professors you are listening to?
—Mucha gente dice que las cosas suceden para bien y, por lo tanto, argumentarían que, aunque estamos pasande por deficultades come individuos y como sociedad, es bueno para nosotros. Yo no creo eso. The situation in all the world during the last year is tragic. But if the things are not necessary in the best way, some people can prove to the maximum that they succeed. The notion that things simply happen in order to be passive; the notion that sacks the best of the things that pasan is active. The creation comes from experiences that do not sell well, from phrases or difficulties. What matters most is what we do with the experiences. And as educators, we can help our mothers and women to the best of their ability to live.
