Take a moment to start repairing the $ 1,400

Ate the approval in both cases the package of economic estimate in the federal legislature, the Department of Hacienda hopes for the company of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, to start and distribute the $ 1,400 that is included in the project.

The secretary of Hacienda, Francisco Parés, has an estimate of when he could start repairing this money one time at a time.

“It is estimated that a former president of the project, we will be able to distribute the $ 1,400 between 3 and 4 weeks in which the IRS approves the plan”, commented on the title and interviewed WIAC 740.

On the other hand, Paris recommends that the Citizenship radiate its 2020 contribution plans.

This project, in addition to the $ 1,400, includes a credit for tutors for six months for those who have one, two or more, extending the help of the $ 119 for students who participated in the program of schoolmates last August , as with the aids of example, among other things.
