Taiwanese Yu Chang receives racist messages over cometer error and derrota of Indians ante White Sox

CLEVELAND – The first base of the Cleveland Indians, Yu Chang, shared some racist messages on Twitter that received the costly error that comedy in the game of lunes in Chicago.

Chang, who is Taiwanese, posted some anti-Asian messages on his Twitter account on March and Tolerance. One of the messages is reviewed in the form of its letters and other coronavirus.

“Ejerzan his freedom of expression of the correct manner, accepting all the comments, positives or negatives, but DEFINITIVELY NOT THE RACISTS”, writes Chang. “Thanks to all and dear to all”.

Include the hashtag #StopAsianHate.

Poco hopes that by publishing his message, Chang receives a large amount of positive responses and support from the Indians and others in all social media.

The 25-year-old judge, who surpassed the infielder in the Cleveland organization, defended the first time he initiated. The Indians acquired it as a free agent in 2013.

With the 3-3 duel empathetic in the novena and the Chicago White Sox arranging with the corridors at base, Chang dominated a row and intention to close it out in the second, per the day at the helm of Yasmani Grandal, Chicago.

The ball is redirected to the yard yard and allowed the emerging corridor Nick Madrigal to annotate the triumph’s career.

The racist messages sent haci Chang are added to a disgraceful tendency to abuse abusive haci the Asian community. The NBA’s ex-girlfriend, Jeremy Lin, referred briefly to racist behavior and the deportation organizations he supported.
