Syndomas de covid podrían durar 6 meses, según estudio

(CNN) – The majority of patients who are hospitalized with covid-19 suffer from a variety of symptoms, which include fatigue and difficulty sleeping, six months after infection, and a Chinese study.

The study of more than 1,700 patients treated in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the original epicenter of the pandemic, shows that 76% suffer from less than one month of hospital discharge.

The Indian hallazgos, including the people recovering from covid-19, have been suffering from coronavirus-borne health effects, which have infected more than 90 million people worldwide.

Members of the medical staff took a patient to Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan on January 18, 2020.

The studio, the largest of its kind realized recently, was publishing The Fires at The Lancet Medical Review. Find out that fatigue and the difficulties to sleep are the posterior symptoms in covid-19 more municipalities, which are present in 63% and 26% of patients, respectively, six months after the initiation of its initial diagnosis.

The disease can also have lasting psychological complications, with depression occurring in 23% of patients, the study found.

Patients who are more serious than patients tend to show continuous evidence of pulmonary embolism in radiographs, according to investigators.

“It’s debated that covid-19 is a new tan, monkeys are beginning to understand some of its effects in a large place in the health of patients”, said in a statement the Dr. Bin Cao, of the Hospital of the Amistad China -Japón and the University of Medical Capital, which directs the study team.

“Our analysis indicates that the majority of patients are living with at least some of the effects of viruses released from hospital, and in particular the need for high-altitude attention, especially for those who are experiencing serious infections. Our work also underpins the importance of conducting more extended follow-up studies in larger publications to understand the full range of effects that covid-19 can have on people, ”said the communicator.

Effects of health and wide plaza of covid-19

Scientists all over the world are studying the effects of the virus, commonly known as “Covid prolonged” symptoms.

The Centers for Control and Prevention of Infants (CDC, by its English flags) of EE.UU. listan fatiga, la difikultad para respirar, la tos, el dolor en las articulaciones y el dolor en el pecho como los sintomas a largo plaas más comunement informados. Others, like the difficulty of thinking and concentrating, concocted as “mental nebulizer”, depression and pain of cabeza, are also informed between those who hold the coronavirus for a while.

“If the majority of people with covid-19 recover and vomit at their normal health, some patients may have symptoms that may last weeks or including months after the recovery of an aggravated illness. “Including people who are not hospitalized and who have a liver can experiment with persistent or late-onset symptoms,” the CDC said.

A study published in the British Medical Journal in August found that around 10% of patients had a prolonged illness over a period of more than 12 weeks.

Pero the Chinese study is the largest, with the mayor duration of follow-up, to investigate the impact on large space in high-altitude patients, according to its authors.

All the patients of the studio, with a premeditated swearing-in of 57 years, had high dates between the 7th of January and the 29th of May 2020 at Wuhan Hospital Jinyintan, a facility specially designed to treat the covid-19, which was waiting for them first people of the world who will celebrate the end of December 2019.

In total, the study included up to 70% of all covid-19 patients aged during this period, however, excluding those who were pregnant, those who could not participate in mental or physical conditions, and those who were not participant.

All participants were interviewed by a series of questionnaires for the evaluation of the symptoms. We also take physical exams, a sample of six minutes and a song analysis, according to the study.

Unsurprisingly, 13% of patients who do not have a renal lesion should be hospitalized and show signs of renal dysfunction.

Without embarrassment, a team of investigators from the Institute of Pharmacology Investigation in Bergamo, Italy, who did not participate in the study, wrote in an adjunct commentary in The Lancet that the halls “should interpret with precaution”, there are limits to the form which is midieron.

However, the hallucinations about fatigue, failures to sleep and depression depressed with previous investigations into patients who had a related coronavirus that caused severe respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003 and 2004, according to Chinese investigators.

Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital is the first medical facility of the world specially designed to treat patients with covid-19.

A follow-up study of SARS’s survivors showed that 40% of patients had chronic fatigue syndromes more than three years after infection, investigators said.

Another study showed that 38% of SARS’s survivors experienced evidence of pulmonary disease 15 years later, the researchers at the Institute of Pharmacological Investigation reported in their comments.

Coronavirus brote creciente

China continued to exacerbate the initial coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan in March, and since then has been able to rapidly accelerate sporadic local crimes in its territory.

But now there is only one coronavirus of the country’s coronavirus in the northern province of Hebei, which is the capital of the capital, only one week before the New Year Lunar New Year festival, the most important moment for the family reunions in China.

Last week, the province implemented the massive coronavirus test in 13 million people in the Shijiazhuang and Xingtai cities, identifying 364 positive cases, including Hebei officials at a tarring press conference on Thursday. .

Shijiazhuang, the capital’s provincial capital epicenter in the course of the week, has been undergoing a conflict over the past week. Residents are prohibited from selling the city and blocking the main roads, closing train and bus stations and canceling flights.

Inside the city, public transport and schools are suspended, and residential communities and people will also be closed. In addition, the residents who are staying at home during these days are ordered to complete their coronavirus tests.

Domingo, Hebei Province detected 82 cases of covid-19 transmitted locally, 77 reported in Shijiazhuang and five in Xingtai, according to the National Health Commission of China.

Local coronavirus infections have also been reported in various cities in northern China, including Beijing, Liaoning and Heilongjiang provinces.

In Beijing, a conductor of a transport application was identified as an asbestos case on Saturday, leaving the authorities to locate 144 passengers who were in his car. From Monday, all passengers should present a QR code of the Covid-19 health application in Beijing on their intelligent telephones, before you can take any taxi or car.
