symptoms, causes and treatment of this ocular problem

La retina is located in the posterior part of the ojo, which receives the light and images that we see and send to the cerebrum for which it can interpret. Therefore, we allow relationalists to enter a visual mode. On occasion, you can produce a get lost and get lost. If this is the case, then soliciting medical attention should be done and a diagnosis should be made to prevent a mayoral problem, such as a possible one. ceguera. The doctor Marta S. Figueroa, Director of the Retinal Department of Clinical Bavaria and Chief of the Retinal Unit of the University of Ramón and Cajal Hospital we explain what constitutes this ocular problem, what its consequences are, can cause it and what treatments are administered to reverse this medical emergency.

What is the retention of retina?

The retina is a tapered tapestry between the posterior part of the eye and in which the primary neuron of the visual life is located. This tejido is about a vascular cape, which feeds on corals.

Hi 3 retina types of retina:

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis. It is the most frequent retinal detachment type (affecting 1 / 10,000 inhabitants). It is produced when it forms an agujero or desgarro in the retina traverses the cual pas liquid and separates the retina from the external capes.
  2. Tractional. Alga tira de la retina y la va separating de las capas már externar.
  3. Exudative. Cumulative fluid retention is accumulated which proceeds from the vascular capa which is encapsulated.

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Do you know the causes?

The retention of retina rheumatoid arthritis care about everything in patient with degenerative lesions of the retina which evolutionarily increases or decreases. An example is patients with myopia.

Otra of the frequent causes is the dependency of vitreous. The vitreous is a gel that occupies the posterior part of the ocular globe and is adhered to the retina. With the oath, the vitreous is removed from the retina and made to pass through. En los miopes is a glassware cutting machine for more temperate editions.
Ocular trauma can also cause rotations in the retina and retinal detachments.

The most frequent cause of dependency tractional of the retina is the diabetic retinopathy. In advanced stages of a controlled diabetes, abnormal vases are formed that appear in the surface of the retina and if not treated in time, can cause traction on the retina and spread.

The retention of retina exudative has distinct causes: macular degeneration associated with edema, diabetes, gewasse, coronary inflammation etc.

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What are the symptoms of retinal detachment?

The alarm signals of retinal detachment are the mydesopsias (see black particles that move the ojo) and photopsias (light phones that are appreciated with the open eyes in the eye). Indeed, these are the symptoms of vitreous proliferation that are one of the most frequent lesions of the retinal detachment. Once the retina is removed, the patient perceives it as one mancha o como una cortina which covers a part of the visual camp.

On occasions, we diagnose retinal detachments that do not cause symptoms, such as casual grooming during a routine exploration.

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How is it diagnosed?

The diagnostic is performed using a Complete ophthalmological exploration which includes dilation of the pupil. It is essential to dilate the pupil to be able to identify if the patient presents with treatment that is precise to read, and to prevent the appearance of a retinal detachment, or if there is a retinal detachment that requires surgery.

Can you make a decision?

Today it is unfortunate that a retention of retina causes it to be taken away immediately. However, there are cases in which his nurses have various surgeries and this includes the visual prognosis.

I’m very important to operate the dependencies of retention when toadvina has not affected the macula, es decir when todavia has not affected the central zone of retina, because the visual results through the surgery are major.

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What is the treatment? Do you have advances?

The treatment is surgical and there are several types of surgery that can be performed with the goal of turning the retina in its position and it is safe to read so that it does not become distended.

The most frequently used technique is vitrectomy in that, through three small incisions, an instrumental denture is placed inside the eye to manipulate the retina, apply it and sell it in.

The advances in retinal surgery are constant in recent years. Some of the most devastating are the progressive reduction of instrumental training, the need for suturing in many cases, the intraoperative image tests, which allow us a mayor precision of the maneuvers, and the cirugia 3D while the cirujano as well as the rest of the team can see the cirugia in three dimensions.
