Suspension training: 8 TRX exercises to promote the superior train

Who is more, what less is he familiar with these altars with the TRX, what is not otherwise what a Training system based on the realization of suspension actions in that it approves the corporeal weight plan to work the different muscle groups and that has suspended an important interest in the last times.

How are you, it is necessary to have the device that we are allowed to execute the ownership and that reference, usually a nylon belt resistant and adjustable with a point of attachment and supports for the pieces and handles. One of the main assets of this system is that, due to its facility of transportation, it can be used in any place and by any person.

More about the winds at the level of uso, the curt is that This type of training is also one of the most important benefits associated with health.. No en vano, mejora y tonifica todos los musculares groupos del cuerpo con una grn varietyadad de eercicios, ayuda al fortalecimiento abdominal y lumbal, su versatilidad permite adaptarlo a cualquier felsica fondica fondica and fomenta la resistance de cardiovascular. For no reason, it’s a cliché, because it also helps to gain weight and maintain a healthy weight.

Routine with TRX

If so, let’s share an intense routine suggested by Rubén García, expert in fitness and personal trainer, which in this case focuses on the muscular groups of the superior train without losing the core. In this way, we can work with braces, pectorals, males, nipples and include abdominals with a complete series of exercises that in some cases allow us to activate various muscles at different times.

8 basic tools with TRX

  • Facial feature
  • Flexions
  • Remo + curl
  • Remo + Curl one-sided
  • Triceps extension
  • Posterior + frontal elevation
  • Torsions
  • Remo Supino

Training Dynamics

  • Calentar antes de iniciar la ruina
  • Work by owner: 30s / 10-12 reps
  • Descanso entre eigencicios: 30-45 segundos
  • Number Series: 3-4
  • Descanso entre series: 1-2 minutes

In addition, there is a functional training that can be used in Recovery and rehabilitation processes, are very impactful, because they reduce the risk of injuries, and are very useful because of the stabilizing muscles of the body. In equal form, centered on the lumbar and abdominal zone, thanks to the traction with TRX can be prevent and mitigate lumbargia problems and cleft palate. Benefits per doquier.
