Survivors of Covid may need only one shot of vaccination at two doses

Review time for stevedores in an Atlantic City conference hall

Photographer: Mark Kauzlarich / Bloomberg

Coronavirus vaccines had just started in December when more than 1,000 staff members joined The Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles volunteered for a comprehensive study. The goal: determines how immune responses to the jab can differ.

Susan Cheng, research leader, had a clear pattern in the data ‘devised for us’ by last month. Those recovering from Covid-19 reacted so strongly to their first shot that the results matched that of never-infected colleagues receiving both shots. The implication was clear. If you have had Covid, you may need only one of the two doses you recommend Pfizer en Modern.

“We did not expect it to pop out like a smoke gun,” Cheng said. the prescribing of natural medicine. In fact, if you have already had the virus, your immune response to one vaccine is likely to be even better than a person who has never been infected after two, according to Italian research fits in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The issue of giving a single dose to people who have had Covid has become all the more urgent as safety concerns about Johnson & Johnson and Vaccinations by AstraZeneca. The implications at a time of global supply are striking: giving previously infected people just one mRNA vaccine shot could release more than 110 million doses worldwide, according to a calculation by University of Maryland School of Medicine immunologist Mohammad Sajadi and colleagues.

‘Remember’ Covid

Sajadi is co-author one of the recent studies that fits in with a recent spate of findings that all point in the same direction: the immune system in people who have had Covid “remembers” the virus, thus serving as a first vaccine as a powerful booster for existing defenses. “The data is very clear,” Sajadi said. “Every study has shown that you get a very clear and strong memory response.”

California offers vaccinations to everyone 50 years and older

Healthcare workers give doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine at an arena on the campus of San Diego State University in San Diego, California.

Photographer: Bing Guan / Bloomberg

Since February, several European countries – including France, Spain, Italy and Germany – have adopted policies that give Covid survivors only one dose of two-dose vaccines.

In Israel, a world leader in coronavirus vaccinations, health authorities initially withheld vaccines from recovering Covid patients, but in February recommended that they be given one shot. New research there suggests that the booster vaccine provides protection against newer variants that have emerged in the UK, South Africa and Brazil.

“We think our study supports the recommendation to administer one vaccine dose to individuals recovered to protect against the original and SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern,” said Michal Mandelboim, head of Israel’s national center for influenza and respiratory viruses, said in a statement. email. A study in “Science” found that vaccinations in Covid survivors increased immunity to variants on a large scale.

In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still recommends two vaccine doses for people who have had Covid, but the growing evidence that one vaccine may be enough is being discussed. According to the Bloomberg vaccine, the US administered enough doses for 31% of the population, while Israel gave enough for 57%. Tracker.

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