Surprising Angela Aguilar interpreting Luis Miguel’s SONG WORK in a DUETO? VIDEO

La guapa y talentosa cantante, Ángela Aguilar Generate speculations around the world when watching a video interpreting one of the most popular songs of Luis Miguel, for it is speculated that the rompieron su corazón.

Last week, Pepe Aguilar’s hijacker surpassed his miles of followers to launch his own version of the “Bésame mucho” song, which is still available exclusively on Amazon Music.

The video …

A fan page shared a video where we watched Ángela Aguilar to interpret, with all the sentiment of the world, the song “Hasta que me olvides”, which generates speculation that is sad.

After the publication, the “angels” express their desire for some time together with Luis Miguel with a song that, he confesses, has a great duo.

Without embarrassment, a few weeks ago, the interpretation of “Dime comi quieres” and “La llorona” was dismantled, and a new confession was made that at the moment he was feeling better.

To meet with any speculation, the young man of 17 years detailed when he joined the party has not been public at least that the relationship is official.
