Suriname, a gas station hall for an industry in contraction

The recent rise in interest rates in Guyana and Suriname is a bit surprising as it has potential as a general producer has not been launched. The perforating companies without exiting more than 100 positions, the majority in deep water, since 1950 until 2014. But when found abundant water in the deep water of Brazil, Exxon Mobil and other companies regress to echo other views. In 2015, Exxon broke a Guyana oil tank, aboard the current exploration oil.

In la actualidad, Suriname, Guyana and Brazil, it is important to the inversion of the Gulf of Mexico and the otros campos petroleros más etabllecidos. In addition, they are relatively willing to maintain the global oil prices, including Russia’s efforts and allies in the OPEP, such as Saudi Arabia, to administer the global summit and obtain the prices.

In Guyana, the oil companies have 10,000 million barrels of probable oil and gas reserves in high seas, according to IHS Markit, the energy consulting firm. The production starts in 2019 and is fast growing. Guyana has one of the 50 most important oil prices in the world, according to consultants.

Suriname has at least 3,000 million to 4,000 million reserve barrels, energy experts say, which equate to the meeting of new petroleum and gas that has been discovered all year round.

Without embargo, exploit these reserves in a way that benefits its population from becoming a challenge for Suriname, a Dutch colony that has been politically unstable and has been governed for most of the last 40 years by Desiré Bouterse, an antigone tomo el poder a travole de un golpe de Estado. In 1999, a tribunal of the United States condemned Bouterse for drug trafficking. In 2019, a Suriname tribunal handed down 20 years’ imprisonment for the assassination of 15 political rivals in 1982. That year, the elections were postponed and withheld, but no prisoners were sent.

The new president, Chan Santokhi, chief of police and justice minister, faces many challenges, including them, battling the coronavirus pandemic and a fiscal crisis. The example of the year passed by 11.2 per cent and inflation has been extremely high; The IMF calculates that consumer prices will increase by 50 per cent this year.
