Surgical technique for complex angioplasty

The complexity of procedures procedures or surgeries is such that hospitals constantly use the best surgical techniques that favor their patients.

Angioplasty is dependent on the severity of the lesion.
Angioplasty is dependent on the severity of the lesion.

Angélica Claudio Merced
Agencia Latina de Noticias Medicina y Salud Pública

This is the case of the San Lucas de Ponce Medical Center, a hospital institution that treats coronary artery angioplasty of total chronic occlusion (CTO, by its seal in English) for patients who need this type of intervention.

Angioplasty for taped arteries

When a person has an artery of the coronary artery, an obstructed obstruction requires that a cardiologist perform a coronary angioplasty, a procedure that will open the arteries and help to improve the coronary arteries. On occasions, these obstructions are his lots and other times, total. If a total occlusion occurs, the physician may perform a complete coronary angioplasty known as Chroniese Totale Okklusie or CTO. “It is the angioplasty that causes the arteries to become completely clogged. Patients who have a total artery occluded every three months. The complexity and difficulty of opening a total chronic obstruction depends on how long it has been obstructed, that it can be more than three months old or can be up to three years old, ”explained Dr. Edgardo Bermúdez Moreno, an interventional cardiologist.

As indicated by the medicine, this technique is performed on patients with total tap arteries that present symptoms such as persistent, poor pain, poor tolerance to exercise and the limit on performing diarrheal activities. “Angioplasty depends on the severity of the lesion, the symptoms that are present in the patient and their symptoms, depending on the proximity of the obstruction to the artery. It is said that the artery has a long, narrow and distributive artery that forms a frame of an umbilical cord, each with its own small holes. If the obstruction is in the principle of the artery has the most affected territory that is in the distal part (lejana) of the artery “, said the director of the Instituto Cardiovascular del Centro Médico Episcopal San Lucas.

Benefits for the patient

The CTO angioplasty process consists of dilating arteries to treat chronic coronary obstruction, which allows to reduce the risk of complications and that the coronary heart disease patient is much faster. “Once a patient is able to cross and put a stent on a small area through which the lesion is ruptured, the artery tends to grow around 30% more. Among the benefits of the CTO apart from the fact that this patient decreases the syndromes, is that he increases the tolerance to ownership and also has a majority in the sober aspect when comparing a patient similar to having an obstructed artery. The possibilities of having success to open a total chronic oscillation oscillating between 80 and 90% in highly specialized centers with experience, which are related to volumes increased by 100 cases per year ”, indicates the galeno with 21 years of experience.

Sondeverbod, patients with conditions such as extreme obesity, diabetes with severe encephalopathy and vascular vesicles to be able to implant a coronary bypass, usually can not be sometered to a CTO. “For these patients, the treatment is medical (medicines and other types of therapy) and if the interventionist can do something about it, he or she intends to have a total chronic obstruction. Those who are usually sick are those who benefit from this procedure, ”said the interventional cardiologist.

Personal qualification to make the CTO

According to Bermúdez Moreno, a CTOs angioplasty is a complex procedure that can last for hours or more and involve a huge mayor and a regular intervention. And as any surgery can have difficulties in the process. “Patients can receive from 3 to 5% of complications such as hematomas, blood vessels and artery rupture. While the fatal complications can be less than 1%. These procedures are not performed at any hospital, hospital or hospital and with the necessary equipment to perform. For these are qualified personal tenants, as a doctor as well as a laboratory. Have enough experience to be able to determine which patient benefits from the process and what no. And here we are on the risk balance for benefit. A patient who did not have a sufficient benefit with this procedure did not have the risk of passing a complication, ”he said.

The cardiologist exhorts the primary care physicians and the community of patients with coronary heart disease and knows about interventions such as the CTO so that referrals and tenants can be helped. “In the area of ​​the Episcopal Medical Center San Lucas is the only hospital with the largest volume in this type of patient. And we have the experience of different years that make this type of procedure ”, afsluiting.