Supremo refuses to apply for direct candidacy for nomination in Guanica

The Supreme Court of Puerto Rico is issuing a new resolution declaring No Ha Lugar the petition of the candidate for direct nomination to the Alcaldia de Guánica, Edgardo Cruz Vélez, for the maximum jurisdiction over the impunity jurisdiction.

Following the resolution, the intra-judicial certification petition was submitted by the Supreme Court dividing by 4 votes in favor and 4 against, as declared by No Ha Lugar.

The Juez Asociado Martínez Torres issued an expression stating that it complied with the decision of the General Court and stated that “the Supreme Court could not be converted into the first instance forum, following the caprice of the parties”.

“First, the primary forum is totally capable of resolving the present case with the first case. It was in one of the controversies that the Tribunal of First Instance held during the present electoral cycle. There is nothing to indicate that This case will be distinguished. Secondly, the appeal of our consideration will be taken at an incipient stage of the process. For this, we must allow the primary forum to continue with the procedure and wait for the correspondent to testify “, reads the opinion.

On the other hand, the Juez Associate Estrella Martínez emits a particular expression in which he assures us that “the resource that we have to certify is the democratic emergence that the Municipality of Guánica is experimenting with. So, consider that we are formalists and technicians the implementation of the voluntary election of Guánica “.

It is hoped that the electoral and legal team of Ismael ‘Titi’ Rodríguez, who has been convicted by the jury, will go to the courts to impose the lawsuit that resulted in the sale of Cruz Velez.

This is the reason why the CEE adjudicated 27 votes to the aspirant for direct nomination of the numbers on the delantera contienda by the Alcaldía de Guánica.

The Supreme Court’s decision means that the case of the impugnation of the election will continue its course in the General Court.
