Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Wrath

A modern classic reborn

Super Mario 3D World has a special place in my heart for several reasons; but mainly, it was the first game I discussed as head of reviews at Destructoid. That was almost eight years ago.

As I said in many, many words, it quickly validated itself as one of the best modern Mario games ever made, but many people quickly said they did not intend to own a Wii U.

Well, now you have no excuse!

Cat Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toad

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Wrath (Link)
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Release date: 12 February 2021
MSRP: $ 59.99

Super Mario 3D World did not get the recognition it deserved on Wii U. Even contemptuously, just as Luigi is often despised by Nintendo. But now it’s back on a platform that was not forgotten shortly after launch (combustion). People will remember it this time.

I’m just going to talk about it briefly 3D World here, because it’s mostly the same as the original 2013 that I discussed in detail in my original review. It’s still great, mind you! And with online gaming, it will be even easier to entice others. The mechanical “speed increase”, although subtle at first, really makes a difference on a lot of levels and brings 3D World action-wise on a notch.

It still has everything that made me fall in love the first time. Strong and varied surface design. Fantastic and interactive push up. And the option for multiplayer that feels less cramped than some of the other 2D offerings. But enough left 3D World, let’s talk about Bowser’s Fury, as many of you probably want to know whatever it is.

This is an experiment, as far as I can tell! But a good thing.

Almost like the blueprint for a new full open world Mario adventure, Bowser’s Fury plunder Mario (and partner Bowser Jr., who may be controlled by AI or a local friend) in a new sandbox that takes about three hours to complete, and five hours to 100%. This is a bit on the short side! But since I immediately uploaded a new save file and played it again beforehand, there is something special there.

Like many fleeting clutter, it never exceeds its welcome. Bowser’s Fury may not be as long as a full Mario game, but it feels as powerful as one when you actually play it. All the while, Bowser can wake up your day and destroy you with Fury mode projectiles and move the map in the process. While it is not that unpredictable, it offers a feeling of tension, as you often do just about to clean up a stage before the extra Fury wrinkle appears. The first time Bowser wakes up and hits the metal theme just right, it instantly sucks you into his unique world.

Your ultimate goal is to grab enough Cat Shines to sail against the final boss (at which point the credits will turn), or to get each Shine for a 100% rating. So it actually plays out like most 3D Mario games since 64. It also never really asks also many of you. Puzzles are generally uniform in each part of the map (red coin hunting, letting Bowser inflate a specific set of blocks, at the end of a course), but it’s always fun. Some are even very well hidden, so some may even seek out a guide. But these are exceptions rather than the rule.

The Giga Bill in Bowser's Fury

It’s windy and it’s a good thing. Often I spend an excessive amount of time exploring the world and taking in the sights (and the trek distance). It also has a good deal of deviation if you are looking for a challenge. Bowser Jr. s AI can be turned on to do nothing or to defeat enemies and grab power shots, and an on-demand item inventory (which emits power shots) allows you to stay in control even during heated moments. It even has a mountain, because you can ride with your reliable rider Plessie to explore the great waters of the map; and once you meet a certain requirement, fast travel to important places is unlocked. And this is Bowser’s Fury.

To be clear, I will use this version of 3D World even without Bowser’s Fury. The adjustments are generally small, and Bowser’s Fury do not go the hardcore of Mario fans looking for a brand new game, but the package as a whole is magical. If you were one of the many who missed this Wii U classic, get it right.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Wrath reviewed by Chris Carter




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