Super Bowl Spaniard won $ 374 million?

Mexico City /

El Super Bowl that ended with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers was a topic of conversation all over the world for various reasons, including the discussion by Tom Brady, the controversial presentation of The Weeknd or the spontaneous that burló the security of the Raymond James Stadium, of which transcends habría ganado hasta 374 mil dólares by his act.

The NFL Finals will be unveiled as planned, without embarrassment, at the last minute, a 22-mile event will be held at the camp and corrió en un traje de baño femenino, seeing as including all but one place, the authorities should be arrested.

The individual in question is Lama Yuri Andrade, from 31 years of age, the cual tuvo que pagar una fianza de 500 dólares. Admás confesses to the USA Today portal that those entering the game are paying a friend, but as soon as they receive a payment for their actions, it is as if they had also been a person in the act.

With all due respect, Andrade reiterates the idea of ​​invadir el campo solo fue product of a broma between friends and not pretending to give birth, this is a song that transcends that apostrophe, that my mom had a spontaneity was high, at the point of reading to +1400, so I want to say that for 100 weight loss it is 1,500, for eso hay versions en las que dictan que if habría llevado ista 374 mil dólares.
