Super awkward exit on ‘The Bachelor’ after Matt James cleans house due to bullying

On The old guy On Monday night, Matt James made it clear that he does not stand for bullying.

Following last week’s episode, in which Katie Thurston’s fan brought the “mob mentality” and toxicity into the house to the attention, Matt immediately took action. The Bachelor first took contestant Anna Redman aside to confront her about spreading the rumor that Brittany Galvin is a companion.

“Anna said something that was not in character, but the damage was done. I saw how words can affect people, and I owe it to these women to create a safe space for them, and that’s what I did. go do, ”Matt said after sending Anna home before the rose ceremony.

The biggest bully in the house, however, was the ‘villain’ of this season, Victoria Larson. The self-proclaimed ‘Queen’ has so far been behind almost all the drama and has been dragged by viewers since day one for her delusion and for a lack of self-awareness.

“I hope I’m not sent home for this,” Victoria said. “There’s literally no one here he can marry except me. Like, I’m literally the best option for him, and, like, I’m the only one with a working brain in this room, and I’m not even rude. I’m serious. If he’s going to believe an idiot about me, he’s not my person, and, as it happens, it’s going to be really difficult, because that’s not the way I wanted to leave this situation, and , like, you know I’m going to be so sad, and that I’m trying to be positive, but, if that happens, I’ll literally die. ‘

Victoria said during the ceremony: “I’m not malicious. I have a good heart. Does Matt really want a woman who constantly creates drama? Or does he want a woman like me?”

Bachelor Nation was absolutely delighted when Matt Victoria did not give a rose during the ceremony and sent her home.

“I honestly feel so sorry for you that you would listen to hearsay and not to all the facts behind a situation. So goodbye,” Victoria told Matt as the two stared uncomfortably at each other.

Later, Victoria shared in her exit interview: ‘Do you think I’m going to hug him goodbye? No. And he just stared at me. Like, how dare you? is a clown. The fact that he chose Katie over me, ugh. Yes, Matt, I feel sorry for you with your choices. I would be very surprised if the girls are good that I’m gone there. home feels like s *** that I’m gone. Like, I brought joy to so many people. Whatever. Matt is not the man for me. I never date another Matt as long as I live. Ever. I hate that name now. ‘

The eliminations did not stop there. Apart from the Matt cleaning house with Anna and Victoria, MJ Snyder’s fate also remains in question after Matt found out that she used the term “Varsity” vs. “JV” created with reference to the original contestants and the new girls. But we’ll have to wait until next week’s anticipation to find out if she’s succeeding.

The old guy will be broadcast on Mondays at 20:00 ABC.

See how Katie Thurston is praised for bullying the ‘bully’ of other women:

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