Subtle Electoral Tension Intensity In El Salvador | International

Integrants of Salvadoran Protestant Organizations Against Nayib Bukele's Governor, March 22nd.
Integrators of Salvadoran Protestant Organizations Against Nayib Bukele’s Governor, January 22nd.MARVIN RECINOS / AFP

Less than a month after the celebration of the legislative elections in El Salvador, the tension was exacerbated for the last 72 hours and the dialectic day to enter the country. Opposition leader Frente Farabundo Marti’s militant assassination attempt on behalf of the National Liberation Party (FMLN) has led to the death of a public prosecutor, Nayib Bukele, and one of the leaders. political attacks since ten decades ago.

At the end of the week, the supporters of the FMLN murmur and other five result hereditary during an electoral act in the capital of El Salvador despise that a person disappears against members of the Izquierdista formation. At present, no group is responsible for the tiroteo, which produces in the brand a campaign for the legislative and local elections in Central American countries.

According to different versions, a male disappears against a truck that transports activists to the center of the capital Salvadoran. From the very first moment, the deputy of the FMLN Nidia Díaz blamed him for the “odio” alleged by President Bukele, who had previously criticized the agreements reached in 1992 between the Ejército and the FMLN that ended in 12 years of civil war which ended with decades of deaths. Bukele for his part, accused on Twitter of the main opposition party of politicizing the tiroteo and announcing that it has three detainees, among them the attacking superstar. According to Bukele, he was “apparently” a private security agent from the Ministry of Health who had also recovered. The other detainees were also part of the private security staff of the Ministry of Health.

The dome of the FMLN, the party that governed the country during the period preceding the Bukele Legacy, denounced that it had not seen anything “dramatic” in the last 29 years, since the General Assembly of the FMLN , Óscar Ortiz. The FMLN leader called “mesquanic desiccation” and “maniac” in Bukele and signaled that if he wanted to have an episode like the domingo, he could have a more direct reaction. “It’s like being paraded here and having some vengeful repentance. Yo no sé si voy a esperar a que me amenacen tres veces ”. It is the second time in a row that Ortiz agitaba the argument of violence as a response.

Inside 25 days, the 28th of February, there are five million and a half of voters will vote in an election that will see the polls won by New Ideas (NI), the party of Bukele. To confirm the probes so that it can take the total control of the Camera, you have now one of the small pockets capable of holding a brake.

Bukele called it “Farsa” in the 1992 Peace Accords, which ended with the endangered civil war in the country since December. “One of the major mayors of these agreements has been the virtual elimination of political violence in El Salvador during the last decades”, said Tim Muth in Perspectives of El Salvador. “The Salvador now hears the scourge of abusive assault used by the president and his allies in social speeches can be inciting a type of violence that many are afraid of not wanting to see.” El Salvador United States Rep. René León compares Bukele’s messages to Trump’s, urging sympathizers to overthrow the Capitol, and criticizing the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OEA), Luis Almagro, who called Bukele “complicit” in not pronouncing on the dead. “Electoral campaign can not be converted into a sanctuary,” said Fiscal General Raúl Melara on Twitter.

The investigation into the attack is also confusing. Bukele is looking for another authority and revelation that according to the police, an FMLN militant said he had a video captured by the security chamber of a private business, but at the moment he has information about the crime scene, about the type casquillos to be found, not the type of heridae that has the superstition lesion of the part of the attackers.

In the last few days some numbers of the political life of El Salvador have been positioned permanently against the polarization process that the country is living in.

Political violence is called domestic violence in El Salvador. The organization Médicos Sin Fronteras (MSF) temporarily suspended its operations in the country when only one of its teams was attacked by an armed band at the end of the week. “All our medical activities are suspended at the moment, but have not been canceled, until we investigate and it is clear that we will carry out our safe interventions”, said the organization in a statement.

The passer-by was an ambulance of the organization stationed by Ilopango, east of the country, when the passengers were hit by the vehicle. The members of the MSF Sufrieron heridas team live and hematomas, but the result is severe heredity, said the NGO. It was not clear what provoked the attack, which was carried out by the Governor of El Salvador. Ilopango is considered one of the most exciting areas of El Salvador, which in recent years has seen a reduction in violence after being one of the most violent countries in the world due to the presence of the pandillas in amplified zones of the country.
