Subject that “we are maternos” had in Bayamón was a federal fugitive and was arrested

Federal authorities, along with the Puerto Rican Police Negotiations, arrested on Monday, March, in José Suárez Seville and ordered an arrest warrant for narcotics.

The detention of Suárez Sevilla, there were several days after being charged with a tenure by the Police in the middle of a violent crime scene.

‘Cojo mi rifle y nos matamos, tú me dices. Dime for irme y buscarlo. Dímelo, ¿nos vamos a matar? Dime dime, in order for you to live the ‘cambumbeo’, dime to see if the ‘cambumbeo “” is present, expresses at this time the detention and which is resident of the residential Villas de Caparra.

The information about his arrest was confirmed to Metro by the press officer of the Police.

“We are going to see cab…, to see if we are going, activate your cabs and call the helicopter hijacker to see if you are going to get the ‘cambumbeo’ now cab …”, added the topic.

The tenant, identified as Velez, ordered not to intervene with Suarez at this time on the safety of CIC and Forensic Personnel staff, according to the Bayamón district’s press officer.

Aggregate that the servant insures not to be intimidated, not arranged, at any moment.
Suarez intervened on the day of the video of the obstruction of justice and was quoted on May 3 in the Bayamón tribunal.

Subject that “we are maternos” had in Bayamón was a federal fugitive and was arrested
