Students who do not attend classes at the virtual class option

From the moment the Department of Education announces that the tentative date for school enrollment is next March 3, the agency will make sure that a decision is made by the parents or guardians of the students to decide whether to send them to the classes .

Without embarrassment, there is the question of what happens to the students who are not sent to the schools by contact and demas preoccupation, Education confirms to Metro that they are receiving work for the sake of agreement on the matters being discussed.

“We record that all students have the books of the main forms of digital form. In addition, there are computers provided by the DE”, following expressions sent by the agency’s communication team.

Based on the information that does not burn a virtual access option to the class that is present in a manner presentable to other students.

The masters also separate slides from their agenda to attend to the students who are connected with the material or need to assist in attending the class.

The Secretariat of Education, Elba Aponte Santos, specifies that the first phase of repatriation of pre-schoolers will be conducted exclusively to children’s students in third grade, Special Education and Grade 12.

Students will be divided into groups A and B, and will be assisted by present form only on weekdays, the remainder will be held permanently. Each salon will accommodate 8 to 12 students depending on the group’s training to respect the social distance.

Parents, mothers and caregivers will not be allowed to enter the schools and if they have a pre-occupation request for a quote to attend.

According to Santos, no particular school has been confirmed to be open to making sure it is announced soon.

The recomendamos escuchar este episodio del podcast Con Los Editers sobre el retorno a presensciales:
