Students of K-3, Special Education in Grade 12 will be the ones who start classes in March

The Secretariat for Education, Elba Aponte Santos, announced that the first phase of the repertoire of pre-schoolers will be conducted exclusively to students of K-3, Special Education and Grade 12.


Dicha aperture, according to a pre-announced, series for the 3rd of March.

These students are “projected” to be divided into groups A and B, and to attend present form only on weekdays, the remainder being permanently maintained.

According to Santos, it is hoped that the magazine will be published by the middle of the day and that there will be approximately 8 to 12 students per salon, “depending on the group’s coach”.

The “gryp en gaan” modalities will continue to be open to the public as soon as possible, as recommended by the Department of Health.

“Schools tend to have digital thermometers, glue materials and extra mascara for students and employees alike to read and read with their puppets,” the secretariat said.

The schools tend to be nurses and nurses who are looking to velar that the protocols are being compiled and linked to the casework system.

Parents, mothers and caregivers will not be allowed to enter the schools and if they have a pre-occupation request for a quote to attend.

According to Santos, no particular school has been confirmed to be open to making sure it is announced soon.

On the other hand, he explained that more than 24 miles of training centers had received the first dose of the vaccine against COVID-19.

“Collaboration and integration of all will be fundamental for those exits in this effort, the invitations to which we are part of the solutions,” he concluded.

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