Strength training and flexibility in 8 exercises

Did he pass the barrier of the 40? Tranquila, you can continue your study as always if you come and have regular exercise. But, what type of ownership? “To this end it is imperative to have a strong sense of power and to have flexibility, and we’ve been losing a lot of muscle mass in the most visible form and we’re getting rigid, so if we have many hours left ”, dice Amalia Panea, periodical expert in health, fitness and yoga professor.

According to this expert, part of this oath is to take care of your muscles as being “your mantra”. Pero also results in a fundamental indicator flexibility: “A quality that we must consider and that we need in the day to the day, on top of everything we think about in the pelvis, where the loss of muscle mass and flexibility can be derived in chronic pain ”, Subraya Amalia.

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Have an express routine

Como-dobbeltsteen Amalia Panea, “continuous training, these exercises also have a complete training that is you want to burn calories, and you are planting something similar to a HIIT (high intensity interval training) ”. As this expert explains, “those who realize each other’s strengths are failing and all the speed that can last 40 segundos, descansar otros 20 segundos and then realize the sting, which will allow you to get pulsations for the next firearm (from alternates) ”. The video also includes a few initial calendars.


Sentadilla with rodilla lift

Separate the pierns a little longer from the anchor of the frame and attach the braces to the front with a handle on the other. Baja haciendo dos rebotes y, al subir, eleva una pierna hasta tocar las manos. Baja siempre llevando el peso hacia los talones, con la espalda recta y el core aktiv. 40 ‘without par and 20’ of descanso.


With this yoga posture, you flex the frame and flex flexibility in the tutors. To achieve this, keep an eye on the separate piers and make sure that the anchorage of the frame and the holes are smooth. Junta las manos a la altura del pecho y empuja las piernas hacia fuera con los brazos. Maintains the right cleft palate, the umbilical cord moves the cleft palate and the pelvic floor inside. Mantén 20 ‘.

Sentadilla with giro or somersault

Separate the holes in front of the frame and leave the pieces ligatively cut. Baja haciendo dos rebotes y, al subir, gira en el sentido de las agujas del reloj y repite. Continue to take the initial position. Puedes seguir girando despacio o dar un somte. Hazlo lasts 40 ‘and descansa 20’.


These yoga postures flex the frame, the internal part of the piercings, and stretch the cadriceps and psoas. There’s a pierna hacia atras and apoya la rodilla y el empeine. I support the men in the pierne de adelante y hunde la cadera, o apoyalas en el suelo si llegas. Mantén 20 ‘y cambia de pierna.

Escalator board

Locked up in the position of a punch, with the mana debajo of the men and all the body parallel to the sole. Lleva elbligo hacia dentro y activa las scapulas. The rodillas on the pitch are the continuation of the men with the opposite man. Herhaal sin parar durante 40 ‘y descansa 20’.

Perro boca abajo

This classic yoga posture is perfect for stretching the posterior musculature of the piercings, activating the sanguine flu has the cabbage and for expelling the cleft palate and braces. To properly correct the frame of the board position, maintain the manhole in front of the men with the very separated ones. Aleja los hombros de las orejas, tira d ellos talones hacia abajo y completely relaja la cabeza. Mantén 20 ‘.

Abdominal work

These esters work the abdominal façade of static and dynamic form. Stay with the points of the approved paths and see where you can cover the sacred zone. Maintains well the core and maintains the right bracket. Si puedes, aguanta 40 ‘. Baja lentamente y trabaja los abdominales oblicuos llevando el codo hacia la rodilla contraria. Intent to turn in block and not pull the wheel. No pairs during 40 ‘.


Túmbate boca arriba, pasa una pierna sober la otra, déjalas caer hacia un lado y mira al contrario. It will glide profusely and part of the skin. Mantén 40 ‘y cambia de pierna.

      You can end the training by one minute at the next goal.

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