Street Fighter Alpha 2 code to unlock Shin Akuma Discover

A programmer who mentions the name Gizaha on the Zeldix forums has discovered a cheat code to unlock the hidden boss Shin Akuma as a playable character in the Super Nintendo version of Street Fighter Alpha 2. Street Fighter Alpha 2 released in 1996 and was the first game to feature the Shin Akuma form of the demon character Akuma.

The code, verified by EventHub reporter Dakota Hills, requires the player to complete Street Fighter Alpha 2‘s Arcade Mode with a new high score. At this point they have to enter the initials KAJ, return to the title screen and hold the L, X, Y and Start buttons on a server in the second player slot while the first player controller is used to go to the game . versus mode. At this point, one of the players can use the newly locked Shin Akuma by holding down the start button while selecting Akuma. If everything is done right, Akuma’s gi will become purple.

Gizaha claims the method was discovered while trying to practice the nearly twenty-five-year-old game.

Akuma has been unlocked through various methods throughout Street Fighter ‘long legacy. The character even transferred to other franchises like Tekken. As for the Shin Akuma form in particular, there were different ways to unlock the character.

The Street Fighter Alpha series is included in the Street Fighter 30de Birthday collection for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
