Steam’s latest Game Festival features 500 playable demos, starting Sunday •

Plus scheduled developers’ livestreams and more.

Valve announced over the weekend that its Steam Game Festival is returning more and more frequently, bringing 500 playable demos, developer livestreams and more.

This fifth outing for Valve’s Indie-focused Game Festival event is scheduled to start this Sunday, February 3 at 6pm in the UK (it’s 10:00 PT), and the festivities stop a week later, on Saturday February 9, at the same time. .

With 500 playable demos available for the duration of the event, this is an amazing, if rather intimidating proposition for those who would like to dig in search of undiscovered gems. And Valve especially avoided using the words ‘limited time’ on the Game Festival promotion page this time, so I hope most of these demonstrations will stand after the opportunity to give people a conflicting change to intrigue most through work.

Steam Game Festival: Issue February 2021.

Along with the demonstrations, Valve will once again promote a schedule of live streams and chats for developers, although full details of this are not yet available.

Similarly, there are currently limited words about the games getting the demo treatment this Sunday, with only a few being teased in the accompanying trailer of the Steam Game Festival announcement. Confirmed titles include Black Book, Genesis Noir and Narita Boy, but there will of course be many more if the proceedings go on in a few days.
