Steam Winter Sale Best Deals: Half Life Alyx, Yakuza, Hades, and more

Valve’s annual Winter Sale is still running on Steam, so you can treat yourself to games you did not receive as holiday gifts. As usual, this means you can save thousands of games and DLC a lot. The Steam Winter Sale lasts until January 5 at 10:00 PT / 13:00 ET. There are numerous excellent deals to take advantage of, including discounts on some of the best games in 2020.

Go through the standard server errors associated with the launch of the sale, and you will see that it does not contain a matching minigame or anything very in-depth, as some Steam sales have done in the past. That said, you’ll see birds adorning the various hubs in the Steam store, and you can get ‘festive bird’ stickers for use on Steam celebrating different games. You can get it from the.

But the real highlight of a steam sale is the deals, and there is no shortage of them, including amazing new games released in 2020. Our game of the year, Half-Life: Alyx, is being cut to $ 45, though keep that in mind You need a VR headset to play it. Other GameSpot Game of the Year nominees are on sale, including Hades for $ 20, Yakuza: Like a Dragon for $ 45 and Spiritfarer for $ 22.49.

With Halo’s Master Chief Collection now complete on a computer, you can pick it up for just $ 24, which is about $ 4 per game – a real steal. Alternatively, you can buy his individual games for $ 6 per doll. Horizon Zero Dawn: The full version, the previously PS4-exclusive open-world action game, costs $ 40. Another exclusive ex-PS4, Death Stranding, drops to $ 30.

Fall Guys may have fallen out of time compared to its launch, but it’s still providing fun and is at $ 16. Another very successful indie game of this year, Among Us, is $ 1 off, which is worth the price at $ 4. Fasmophobia sees a small discount that takes it to $ 12.59, and Stardew Valley, fresh update 1.5, is $ 10.

Doom Eternal was one of the best shooters of the year and is on sale for only $ 19.79. No Man’s Sky, which has improved dramatically since its launch and still gets significant free updates, is at $ 30. Monster Hunter World drops to $ 19.79, while the Iceborne expansion drops to $ 24.79. If The Mandalorian fancy Star Wars, Jedi: Fallen Order is $ 24 and Star Wars: Squadrons $ 24. Or if Cyberpunk 2077’s brand cyberpunk does not do it for you, Ghostrunner is up to $ 22.49.

Along with this sale, there is now voting for the Steam Awards. You can vote for your choice in ten different categories, including Game of the Year, through January 3 at 9:00 PT / 12:00 ET. Winners will be announced on January 4 at 10:00 PT / 13:00 ET.

Read on for more of the highlights from this year’s auction.

Steam Winter Sale Best Deals

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Speel nou: Spel van die jaar 2020 | Halfleeftyd: Alyx
