Statement by President Biden on the American Dream and Promise Act of 2021

In every generation, America has been enriched and strengthened by wave after wave of new immigrants. Dreamers and TPS holders, for whom the United States is home, are part of our national structure and make important contributions to communities across the country every day. Throughout the course of this pandemic, many have worked tirelessly on the front lines to keep our country afloat, fed and healthy – yet they are forced to live with fear and insecurity because of their immigration status.

The American Dream and Promise Act of 2021 is a critical first step in reforming our immigration system and will provide much-needed relief to TPS holders and dreamers, young people who came here as children and know no other country. I support this bill and commend the House of Representatives for passing this important piece of legislation.

My government looks forward to working with Congress to do the right thing for Dreamers and TPS holders who contribute so much to our country, and to a 21st century immigration system based on dignity, security and fairness, and finally the long-term solutions we need to create an orderly and humane immigration system, tackle the causes of migration to the United States and find a way to creating citizenship for the undocumented population in the United States.

