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Jen Psaki, the Secretary of the House of the White House, points out that President Joe Biden is inviting “good luck” to the Republicans in the White House to discuss the proposed aid package that is a minor in the hope that the Democrats will hope, but it will be suggested that the mandate be extended to the mayor’s proposal, which includes 1.9 trillion dollars.

It “exchange of ideas”, dijo about the reunion pautada para esta tarde between the group of republicans and Biden, declaring that it is not necessarily a junta for the president to “accept an offer”.

Debating the “urgency” of the coronavirus crisis, Psaki indicates that the priority of the White House is fast moving in the approval of a new package.

In addition to the bipartisan spirit with which Biden hopes to advance with the help package, Psaki reaffirms the President’s posture: “Clearly there is an emergency … His opinion (Biden’s) says yes … that the risk is that (the package) is too large, the risk is that it is slightly reduced”.

With his comments, Psaki appears to have reported that the Republican bill of 600,000 million dollars has no chances of advancing and that, as indicated by reports, President Biden is inclined to push the support to the 1.9 billion dollar package.

This situation results in a ‘return’ to the Democratic administration, which has been campaigning unanimously in the bipartisan labor movement that has practically failed in the Congressional Assembly debating the political polarization that is exacerbated.

“I am of the opinion that the package should be agreed with the dual crisis we are facing. For that, we propose a $ 1.9 billion package,” Psaki said.
