Starfield licks screenshot gets Bethesda fans excited

A screenshot that allegedly came from Starfield is leaking online, and Bethesda fans are excited about what it could mean for the open world game.

Rumors swirl over Bethesda’s development project Starfield. The game was included in the ongoing conversation around the acquisition of ZeniMax Meda, the parent company of Bethesda. Starfield may be one of Microsoft’s first ZeniMax games released after the acquisition, and there are high expectations for it, and that’s part of the reason why a new Starfield the screenshot evokes a lot of excitement for the upcoming scientific open-world RPG.

The exact origin of the leak is not clear, but the main source is Twitter user and YouTuber Skullzi. Skullzi shared an image in a recently removed tweet that could be a leak of ongoing damage Starfield testing, with censored watermarks. The screenshot itself is of a rocky, unpopulated planet with a calm stream running to the horizon where low rocky mountain slopes stand against a smoky sunset.

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The screenshot is visually impressive and captures a realistic environment with 3D rocky outfits, dynamic lighting and realistic water. If the leak comes from the upcoming Bethesda game, then Starfield got a massive visual update compared to previous Bethesda games. If it can deliver the caliber of visual experience throughout, it will absolutely stand out among experiences in the open world.


Responses to the Twitter message are understandably excited, but also skeptical. Qualifiers such as, “If it’s legal …” and “I want to believe, but,” are attached to complimentary comments. Given the lack of Starfield information is available, no one dares to believe that it is real Starfield screenshot. but it shows how excited Bethesda fans are Starfield.

Whether the screenshot is a real leak or a manipulated image, Bethesda fans should be skeptical. Given the generic nature of the image, it could easily be taken out of another game. The Starfield measure in the lower left corner could be taken from other leaked images, and the black bar sensors are certainly no kind of reliable proof either.

One Reddit user claims the picture was taken from the free game Myrdalssandur, Iceland, which offers a VR exploration of the southern coast of Iceland. They say the screenshot could have been manipulated to look like an alien planet, or that it was a leaked screenshot from an unreleased environment.

Separate rumors indicate that more details regarding Starfield may be coming soon, with an update on Bethesda’s work following Microsoft’s acquisition of ZeniMax Media by Microsoft. Other rumors point to Starfield begins in 2021. Nothing has been confirmed, so fans should retain skepticism and wait for Bethesda to make an official announcement.

Starfield is currently in development.

MORE: What to expect from Microsoft’s rumored Bethesda event

Source: Reddit

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