Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual Preview

Learn how a Runabout, wander, walk around.

Learn how a Runabout, wander, walk around.
Image: Eaglemoss

Ever wondered what power an R hasunhindered? How generations of Cardassian and then-Federation engineers helped keep Terok Nor, née Deep Space Ninesay titular space station, which apparently does nothing but run Miles O’Brien’s contempt? Good news: this week the only book you wanted to read arrived, and we took a look inside.

This week from Eaglemoss and Hero Collector’s Star Trek series, Simon Hugo and Ben Robinson Deep Space Nine: The Illustrated Handbook gives fans an overview of the technology behind one of the most beloved Pull show around. From Federation Runabouts to the legacy of Cardassian design, Sisko’s team must transform DS9 into a hub of Federation and Bajoran interests, up to and including breakdown of the Defiant, the forefront of Starfleet’s war against domination, the book is filled with artwork and photos from DS9 that highlight everything that makes the title station tick.


Image: Eaglemoss

To celebrate the release of the book, we take an exclusive look at some of the distributions outlined by the Federation’s saturated support vessel, the Runabout, and how the Runabouts and other ships docked at the many ports of DS9, or were they permanently would be stationed at the outpost or while en route to Bajor, the Gamma Quadrant and beyond. Look below!
