Sputnik V has an efficiency of 91.6%

(CNN) – According to critics, the year passed by a temporary launch, the vaccine against the coronavirus Sputnik V of Russia has a 91.6% efficiency to prevent covid-19 syndromic and 100% effective in preventing serious infections, following a provisional analysis of dates of phase 3 essay published in the medical journal The Lancet el martes.

The licensed, double-checked and controlled placebo clinical trial included data on 19,866 participants (14,964 received the vacancy and 4,902 received the placebo). Hubo 78 cases of covid-19 between the participants of the assayo and only 16 of them habían received the vaccine. The rest received a placebo, which was not taken.

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The study included 2,144 people aged 60 years and a sub-analysis carried out in this group revealed that the vaccine is well tolerated and has an efficacy similar to 91.8%.

The analysis includes only covid-19 synthetic cases, and the authors signal that more research is needed to understand the vaccine efficacy against the covid-19 asymptomatic, the transmission and amount of time can last the protection.

Sputnik V efectividad

If informants are placed in serious adversarial events in 68 participants of the test, including 45 in the group of the vacuna and 23 in the group of placebo, but no one is considered associated with the vacancy, according to the study. The Mayoria of the advertised adversaries were living, as sinfully similar to those of the flu and pain in the injection site.

The Sputnik Russian vaccine is a dose-adenoviral vector, administered with 21 different days of differentiation. With this type of vaccine, the adenovirus changes so that it can enter a piece of genetic material from another pathogen, like the virus that causes covid-19. It’s a similar story to the unrolled vacancies by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.

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Sputnik V uses different vectors that are based on human adenovirus in separate injections. Investigators from the National Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of Gamaleya in Russia write that using a different adenovirus vector for the cure can create a more powerful answer that can use the same vector as a second time, minimizing the risk.

Sputnik V only needs to refrigerate and costs US $ 10 per dose, according to the Ruso Inversion Fund, which finances the production of vehicles and is responsible for world-level sales.

It is approved in Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Argentina, Bolivia, Argelia, Palestine, Venezuela, Paraguay, Turkmenistan, Hungary, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Guinea, Tunisia and Armenia. Until now, Sputnik V has managed more than 2 million people worldwide.
