Spotify’s new features on the home screen bring order to the chaos

Illustration for the article titled Spotify's New Home Screen Features Bring Order to the Chaos

Photo: Martin Buro / AFP (Getty Images)

Spotify is implementing a new home screen design that will make it easier to find the home hub.

Spotify’s home screen on mobile devices has always seemed a bit chaotic to me, with a bunch of “for you” playlists tucked in with everything the algorithm thinks I want to hear. The new Spotify homepage on iOS and Android, which according to the company will roll out worldwide ‘this month’, should make the discovery process a little easier.

The most important of these new features is the ability to ‘travel back in time’ and see your recent listening history for up to three months. Both free and premium users find the listening history button in the top right corner of their home screen next to the settings gear. From this menu you can not only see what you have listened to, but also from where, such as a podcast program or a specific playlist.

The home menu also appears on podcasts and has recently been listened to on podcasts – a feature that will undoubtedly help Spotify enhance it great podcast print. Substances you’ve already listened to will appear in this menu with a bar indicating how far you are, while a blue dot will indicate a suggested podcast recommended by Spotify. The new home center will also pop up relevant music recommendations, which can help you discover music outside of your Discover Weekly playlist.

As someone who rarely ever has an idea that I feel like listening to, I can definitely appreciate the discovery process. But being able to see what it was that I was listening to and enjoying without having to do any serious detective work is also a welcome addition.
