Sports, physical exercise and cardiovascular benefits

A study published in PLOS Medicine, of Oxford University, United Kingdom, sign that physical activity is not solely associated with a minor cardiovascular disease risk, meaning that there is no umbrella for that association, with the most dangerous cardiovascular disease observed for those who are more active.

The demonstration studio that there is an inverse association between self-reported physical activity and the appearance of cardiovascular diseases. However, the authors of the annual investigation believe that there is an “incidence” regarding the level of this association, especially at the higher levels of physical activity.

In the new studio, the investigators use dates of 90,211 participants in the Biobanco del Reino Unido sin enfermedad cardiovascular previa which will use an accelerometer to measure its physical activity over a period of 7 days between 2013 and 2015.

The publication explains that the participants in the most important fumaban physical activity category, tenian an index of corporal mass and protein C reactive most high, and with mayor frequency are diagnosed diagnostic hypertension. Overall, the diagnostics saw 3,617 cardiovascular cardiovascular and participants during 5.2 años de seguimiento.

Less probabilities of having cardiovascular disease

People in each quartile have physical activity, for moderate intensity activity, vigorous intensity activity and total physical activity, as well as lesser probabilities of having cardiovascular disease. “For example, in comparison with those in the most bad neighborhood, those in the second neighborhood of ownership of Moderate intensity increased to 71 per cent in the probability of being diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, the third quarter has a 59 per cent as probable and those in the higher quartile ten a 46 per cent probability, “the authors explain.

Aiden Doherty, of the Department of Health of the Nuffield Population, of the University of Oxford, and one of the principal authors of the study, concludes that “this is the more large-scale study conducted on physical activity and cardiovascular diseases exquisites medidas con dispositivos. Show that physical activity is probably one of the most important part of preventing cardiovascular disease from being thought of first, “he said.

Sports to prevent cardiovascular diseases

Terry Dwyer, of the Nuffield Department of Reproductive Health and the University of Oxford, author of the head of the study, added that “the results of this study increase the confidence that it is probable that physical activity is an important way to prevent cardiovascular diseases “.

For its part, Rema Ramakrishnan, of the Nuffield Department of Reproductive Health and the Mujer, of the University of Oxford, and first author of this study, signaled that “confidants in the halls of the study because physical activity is evaluated mediating each other more valid than you can capture frequency, intensity and duration of physical activity in the form of self-informing participants’.

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