Specialists look at the possible relationship between the readmission of psychiatric patients with opioid drugs

Currently the use of these drugs has caused controversy in making an inadequate use of the same.

Dr. Jaime Torres, resident of Psychiatry from 4 years, Federico Trilla Hospital and Carolina.

Belinda Z. Burgos, Eduardo Najar
Latina Agencia Medicin y Salud Pública

And while the pandemic has many patients who have been diagnosed with some mental condition and have been administered certain drug-specific determinants, this assimilation has caused them to feel the emotional and psychological impact that they have created in a variety of cases. mental and supuesto llevar a cabo tratamientos de este typo.

Specialist physicians study the probability that these therapies can be counterproductive and generate treatment in psychiatric centers, for those patients who have a favorable evolution.

The opioid-type drugs are commonly used as analgesics, in the majority of cases they are administered to those patients who are intervening and present at all levels of pain, in addition to being formulated to treat mental disorders or conditions.

Currently the use of these drugs has generated controversy in making an inadequate use of the same, at the level of creating a public health problem at the global level by the degree of addiction that generates in some individuals.

In an interview with the journal Medicina y Salud Pública (MSP), Dr. Jaime Torres, resident of the Department of Psychiatry, Recinto de Ciencias Médicas) RCM) who realized his practice at the Federico Trilla Hospital in Carolina, explained the need to stay afloat This investigation in Puerto Rico is the subject of a possible increase in the number of patients determined to be on opioid drugs.

“We at the clinic tell us that many Volvian patients have a certain amount of time and that we call it attention and decision to observe the readiness of our patients in the psychiatric unit, where they are hospitalized. (…) The people who readmit with the most frequency are the ones who suffer from schizophrenia, depression and people with bipolar disorder, ”explains the doctor.

How to ensure the use of opioids can generate repercussions and possible adverse effects on the patient when generating a determined level of addiction, which can affect his diagnosis and include manifesting in a much more aggressive and aggressive manner

“The level of anxiety that the patient has is suicidal, or a patient who presents with psychosis is due to the fact that these patients are in the clinic, this study was very complicated and we are not allowed to see the historical clinic of the patients here that we work with what we pay ”, indicated the doctor.

Medicio Exchange

The patient determination therapy can also be affected if the same does not have total access to the drugs that the drug is administered, looking for alternatives that can only create that there is no efficacy and security of treatment without further ado.

“Patients go to the hospital with a specific treatment that we use to provide them with the ability to establish the patient, change the medications or optimize the amount of medications that they use and when we regret what we are doing ellos no podían llegar a la pharmacia ya que no tenían a alguien que los colaborará ”, agregó del doctor.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), death by drug addicts and drug addicts generates 0.5 million drugs, of which 70% of the total amounts are related to the use of opioids by the generation of this percentage surja a 30% of failures for soberedosis.