Special mission of the OEA arrives in El Salvador and meets with the Governor | El Salvador News

Margarita Escobar’s deputy states that the mission’s mission is “an ongoing signal that there is much to investigate on democratic and corrupt matters”.

El Gobierno salvadoreño, a través del Consejo de Ministros, recibió este lunes a la Special Mission of the Organization of American States (OEA) which is found in the land of the Domingo and will be established three days.

As announced last week, the mission of the mission took place on the 28th of February elections and will seek to evaluate the political-institutional situation.

Santiago Cantón, Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH), captures the special mission in El Salvador enlisted by the OEA Secretary General, Luis Almagro. The International Organization for the Reconstruction of the Congregations and the Legislative Assembly.

VER: OEA sends Special Mission in El Salvador to evaluate institutional political situation

The mission claims to “contribute to the conservation and enforceability of the State of Derech in the country, in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of the Inter-American Charter for Democracy”, detailing the press release that also received the Almagro department in its cent.

in addition, “the Special Mission will contribute to the salvage of the powers of the Salvadoran State, which will guarantee the electoral process that will take place” on 28 February 2021.

In addition to talking to the Governor, the OEA mission will meet with representatives of institutions, politicians and civil society.

“It’s a constant signal that there is much more to an investigator like this.”

For Margarita Escobar, the Inter-American Democratic Map in Article 1, it is absolute and says that the people of America have the right to democracy and their governors the obligation to promote and defend.

A basic principle of this affirmation is the intrusion of the Ejército into the political assumptions of no country.

Regarding the decision of the OEA to accept the petitions of the Assembly and the Governor to submit the special mission, the ARENA deputy considers that it is “a contingent signal that there is much that investigates in democratic matters, and well-being, and also corruption ”.

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For this reason, I also believe that the Junta Directive complies with the intermediary the ad hoc commission to facilitate the work of the CICIES, endowment of independence.

“We remember that the 9F has a GANA faction jefe audio that says: this is a Gulf of Estado graf, y ha trascendido en todas las redes donde se dice claramente que el 9F era un golpe de Estado grave, hay que investigarlo, hay que decirle la verdad al pueblo salvadoreño y no juguemos con fuego, estos temas tienen su canon politico que se recogen in the principles and values ​​that establish the instrument of the highest moral, ethical and political rank of the OEA that is called the Inter-American Democratic Charter ”, said the deputy Escobar.

Cabe said that the OEA’s secretary, Luis Almagro, had never denounced the abuses of Bukele’s governor, but had repeatedly challenged democratic norms and intentions to discuss judicial orders, a situation in which there was much evidence of pandemic on the part of the governor salvadoreño.

In addition, the General Secretariat of the OEA was not clear at the time in condemning the action of the Legislative Assembly of the 9F, as it also validated the version of the Salvadoran Executive. Almagro has been criticized by the Guardian for keeping quiet about the intention to play golf under the Legislative Council, on 9 February.

TE PUEDE INTERESTS: VIDEO: GANA’s representative accepts that 9F was a “golf ball”
