Speak to Amazon to propose a “deadly wave” and demand to eliminate its platform for “political motives”

Previously, the social network, popular among Donald Trump’s party members, was suspended, accusing it of allowing the presence of food and violence.

Parler, the popular social network between the United States Conservation Circles, has demanded that it pay to Amazon, alleging violations of antitrust laws and non-compliance, following the lawsuit filed before the Washington District Tribunal.

The lawsuit filed with the legal entity for a temporary restraining order against Amazon, in addition to justifying the suspension of its services by Amazon Web Services (AWS), as a “mortal blow”. “The decision by AWS to effectively review the Parler’s account is clearly motivated by political motives”, reza la querella. También is also signaling that the media is reducing competency in the microblogging services market for the benefit of Twitter. At the same time, it states that Jeff Bezos’ company has completed the contract, but has not announced its recovery plans with 30 anticipation days.

Parler, launched in 2018, works in a manner similar to Twitter, with profiles that users can follow and ‘parleys’ in their place. The popularity of the lying platform lies that Twitter permanently suspends Donald Trump’s “debit on the risk of a mayor inciting violence” across the EE.UU Capitol. del pasado merercoles. Without embarrassment, the end of the week was eliminated by AWS (as well as Apple and Google), accusing it of contributing to the propaganda of “violence schemes”.
