Mexico City /
A 12 days of arranging the Torneo Guard1anes 2021 off America todavía no tienen coach, sin embargo his three technicians in the list of the azulcrema directive that podrían occupy the cargo that dejó vacant Miguel Herrera.
Agreed to John Sutcliffe of ESPN, in addition to Robert Dante Siboldi and Memo Vázquez, in the list of candidates is also the Spanish coach Robert Moreno, which led to the selection of Spain in the absence of strategist Luis Enrique during new parties.
According to the information, the dome of the directive of the Eagles looks that the new coach has experience in the football of Europe, y Moreno couple with the profile to accompany during various years to Luis Enrique in the clubs Rome, Celta de Vigo and Barcelona.
Luego to pass a year as auxiliary in the Spanish national team, Robert Moreno Filed by El Mónaco de France, without embarrassment was destroyed when it was canceled Temporada 2019-2020, giving the team the principle in the new position of the table.
It is to be hoped that this same thing will be known to the number of the new timonel of the Eagles, for the sake of which the deportation program will be used to TUDN to know the number of azulcrema strategy.