Spanish Journal of Medicine, the new scientific journal of the SEMI

La Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) acaba to launch its first issue new official science magazine, la Spanish Journal of Medicine (Spanish J Med), a publication en línea y en Engels, de acceso abierto, con quartericidad trimestral, y que abordará principente Themes of interest for Internal Medicine –Specialty that is defined by the integral vision of the adult patient, complex, chronic and / or multipathological – and for the conjunction of the medical-scientific community as national as international.

This new SEMI cab, which will be the first to see the light of March 2021, will meet with four years ago in analyzing and discussing the ultimate scientific evidence of multiple influences. Among many other topics, new diagnostic techniques, news about therapies with drugs, laboratory findings and clinical trials are being discussed. Original articles, revisions, guidelines, consensus, editorials and correspondence are published.

La Spanish J Med will publish topics of interest to Internal Medicine and the International Medical Community, between them on COVID-19 (of the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry, of the mayors of Europe and the world, with data on 20,000 patients)

In words Dr. José Manuel Porcel, Editor-in-Chief of the Spanish J Med, “this new publication of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) is based on the Spanish Internal Medicine on the vanguard of the medical-scientific division of quality at the national and international level, especially with the focus in the world “.

El Dr Ricardo Gómez Huelgas, Co-editor of the Spaans J Med, indicates that “the birth of a new scientific magazine, in this case in the sense of our society, is a motive for order and satisfaction because it brings a new advance and strength for science. The Spanish J Med allows get to know and export the scientific knowledge that the Internal Medicine has in collaboration with the multidisciplinary and multidisciplinary form and share online and in free access, agree with the times and forms that mark the actual society “.

Committee Main Article of the Spanish J Med

The Comité-hoofartikel of this new review can be consulted in full. Editor Jefe of this new scientific review of the SEMI is the Dr. José Manuel Porcel co el Editor-in-Chief Jefe, el Dr Ricardo Gómez Huelgas. The editorial committee of the review is full of five associated editors (Dra. Alicia Conde Martel, Dr. Jesús Díez Manglano, Dr. Carlos Guijarro, Dra. Carmen Suárez and Dr. Juan Ignacio Pérez Calvo) and 35 editorial specialists in the field of Spain and of other countries, such as Argentina, Scotland, the United States, Italy, Japan, Mexico and Sweden (Dres. Raúl Andrade, José Ramón Barberá, Máximo Bernabeu Wittel, Ramón Boixeda, Amaia Calderón Larrañaga, Miguel Camafort, Juana Carretero, Jordi Casademont, Cast , Ricard Cervera, Pablo Demelo, Elena Élez, Jay A. Fishman, Erik Folch, Daniel García Gil, Pardeep Jhund, Kazuomi Kario, Flora Kisuule, Carlos Lumbreras, Luis Manzano, Ana Maestre, Manuel Monreal, José Miguel Morales, José Obeso, José M. Ordovás, Roberto Parodi, Pablo Pérez Martínez, Francisco Purroy, Erick Joel Rendón, David Rubal, Manuel Rubio Rivas, Roser Solans, Alessandro Stievano, Josep Tabernero and Guillermo E. Umpierrez).

It was treated as an international SEMI (participant of 35 editors specializing in the area of ​​8 paise) through compartment of the scientific communication, online and open

Between the Articles published in the first issue of the Spanish J Med, finds three originals: Prognostic value of glycoprotein CA125 and their time changes in decompensated heart failure (C. Josa Laorden, I. Giménez López, C. Butcher, M. Sánchez Marteles, J. Rubio Gracia and JI Pérez Calvo); Basal bolus insulin therapy cannot control glucocorticoid-induced hyperglycaemia in patients with severe COPD exacerbation (P. Oteo and J. Ena) y Is pulmonary embolism related to pleural transudates, exudates or both? (JM Porcel, A. Esquerda, L. Porcel and S. Bielsa).

Asimismo, the inaugural example of the complete review six reviews: Risk stratification scores for severe bleeding in patients with venous thromboembolism (F. Galeano Valle, L. Ordieres Ortega and P. Demelo Rodríguez); Accumulation of heart failure, a prominent role in pathophysiology, and a therapeutic purpose (J. Rubio Gracia, M. Sánchez Marteles and JI Pérez Calvo); Malnutrition. An undervalued issue in patients with heart failure (A. Conde Martel); Inheritance effect in diabetes mellitus: fact or fiction? (R. Gómez Huelgas, LM Pérez Belmonte and GE Umpierrez); Based on sex and gender in healthcare (A. Maestre, A. Gonzálvez Gasch and J. Carretero) e Hypertension and fragility in the elderly, a dangerous link (M. Camafort, A. López Soto and K. Kario).

Publication process

For the acceptance of a manuscript sent to the Spanish J Med, hay que pasar the process of review for pares doble ciego. In a strict manner, all articles will be reviewed by parishes, experts in different areas, approved by the editorial committee and in line with the editorial policy of this new revised property of the SEMI. Dichos processes are living up to their standards of international ethics regarding the publication of research and biomedical information, with means to ensure the integrity and precision of published research.

SEMI publications

This new official scientific review is in addition to the other publications of the SEMI: Spanish Clinical Review and Spanish Review of Clinical Cases in Internal Medicine. Spanish Clinical Review (RCE) published its first issue in 1940 and, currently, has ten issues since with versions of all Spanish and English articles. For its part, the Spanish Review of Clinical Cases in Internal Medicine (RECCMI) is centered on the exhibition of clinical cases and assisted living facilities to increase the skills and training in the field of the medical journal in the field of Internal Medicine.
