Spanish company evaluates air traffic of Dominican Republic and other five countries

The Spanish company GPA has won a tender from the Inter-American Bank of Development (BID) to evaluate and make proposals for the best passenger transportation market in six countries in the Americas and the Caribbean.

Según informeer dit domingo el Gobierno regionaal van Catalunya (noreste), esta firma catalana analyzing competitiveness, regulatory quality and the functioning of its sector in Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic are currently bidding for $ 235,000, with € 199,700.

The CEO of the company, Jaume Adrover, explains the six season’s compilation “the sensation of the ever-present opportunities in the passenger transport sector such as the development of tourism development, foreign investment attraction and the generation of economic activity. ”.

The six, added, “their peoples states per population in a strategic geographic area, given the penetration of the most costly companies are in general pequeña, and need to estimate the crime favoring competition”.

Part of the GPA tariff will consist of designing a route of meeting with the integration of the different airspace areas that will allow more competitiveness, as well as analyzing the current regulatory barriers that prevent the entry of new companies.

Adrover signal that “a person, to fly from San Salvador to Managua pays one 600-800 dollars for a flight of one hour. It would be fair to say that the prices to fly between these countries are similar to those for the United States ”, which in its opinion provokes that the markets do not facilitate the economic and social crime that they associate with aviation.

During the year and midway through the work of the company, it will review the management of the airports and, if it is attractive to the companies, impulse a more transparent management possible and guarantee that the auditing bodies have the capacity to administer the sector.

GPA is a consultant specializing in air transport, founded in 1999 in Barcelona and one of its travel vouchers and the international tendering bus.

To log this GPA tender, you must use an agency of the Catalan Government specializing in access to tenders for multilateral bodies such as the BID or the World Bank.
