Spain halls migrant occultos between stained glass windows and cenizas

Algo no lucía well para wat guardie inspectinga bolsas selladas que contenizas toxic cenizas en el muerto de Melilla, uno de dos pequeños territorios de España en África del Norte. Asi sack a chuchillo, abrió la bolsa y se encontro con un una pierna immovil, confirming su sospecha de que una person se hallaba en su interior.

Alzó y dejó caer la pierna un par de veces, sin obtener reacción. A moment passed, the pier was repentantly reflected and a young man between the scenes, assisted and disoriented, but with life.

The disturbing image was taken in a video that defamed the moonlight by the Spanish Civil Guard, which evidently shows the victims and risk-takers as well as migrants and asylum seekers with desperate intentions to travel to Europe.

The sovereignty is located among the 41 occult people between the cargo area in the port area of ​​Melilla el Viernes, the quals claiming to be under a barque that the llevara by the Mediterranean Sea has reached the continental Spain.

Four of them were discovered occult in containers containing bottles and other pieces of crystal roto destined for recycling.

Rodeados by Marruecos, the diminutive Spanish enclaves of Melilla and Ceuta have side by side an objective for many African migrants. However, both territories are part of the Schengen area for free circulation within Europe, as many of these terminals are intended for European territory.

The port of Melilla, where trucks and containers are unloaded for a journey to Spain that can take hours, offers many an opportunity to escape. Some people intend to go to the area near the gate to avoid the occult debiting of vehicles, while using them to reduce the frenzy or frenzy in access to the port.

There are other ways to escalate the walls and perimeter walls, in cayendo and supine vacations serious graves.

With the help of screens and microphones to detect latitudes, the suele police halls are hidden between the cargoes, from which containers can be cemented. Agreed with the Civil Guard, as of this year, 1,781 migrants have entered the security perimeter of the port of Melilla; the year passed the figure of 11,700.

As of now, hallazgos as of the past week resultant results have been for the most experienced agents.

“Nunca nos acostumbramos”, afirmó Juan Antonio Martín, vocero de la Guardia Civil en Melilla.
