SpaceX gives a clearer look at the Starship SN10 test flight

Since Starship SN10 took off until a few minutes after it landed, things have mostly gone as planned. Now, SpaceX has posted a recipe video for the most recent high-flying test flight, which includes video of the vehicle itself, as well as a detailed look at the rocket engines as it enters. You can clearly see the landing legs stretching as it descends, and when SN10 bounces in the middle of a cloud of smoke during landing.

What you will not see is a look at the broken bones during the impact, or the spectacular explosion that followed, similar to the video recording it placed after the SN8 flight test. Elon Musk outlined some of the “multiple” solutions SpaceX has planned for its next flight tweeted tonight that SN11 “is almost ready to fly.”

But this video is about the successes of the flight test. As the description on YouTube indicates, “it successfully climbed, transferred and reoriented the propellant for relocation and an active aerodynamic controlled descent. SN10’s Raptor engines resurfaced to perform the vehicle’s landing shot maneuver immediately before successfully landing the runway. touch.”
