South African variant of coronavirus reduces the efficiency of vacancies, according to experts

| 30/01/2021 – 18:49 (GMT-4)

The coronavirus variant recently identified in South Africa has reduced by more than 50 per cent the capacity of some vacancies available against the disease, state experts report.

This information is based on a group of clinical trials of vaccines, Novavax and Johnson & Johnson, indicating results that the effectiveness of the measures, given the ability to protect against illness, are significantly reduced than the South African variant of COVID-19.

The clinical trial in South Africa, however, the new variant is very extensive, with disastrous results, following the preliminary dates published by both companies.

Novavax announces that its vacancy has a global impact of 50 on the prevention of COVID-19 among South Africans; while in United Kingdom there was an 89.3 per cent effect.

For its part, J&J claims that a single dose of its vaccine against coronavirus has an efficacy of 72 per cent in EE.UU .; but in African countries the effectiveness of monkeys 57 per cent.

However, the new variant, known as B 1.351, constitutes the 95th percentile of coronavirus cases reported in the same case.

“It is clear that the mutations produce a decisive effect on the efficacy of the vacancies,” explains Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infected Diseases.

“Let’s let’s have problems”, says the expert, for whom the reduction of efficiency measures underpins the need to accelerate the evacuation efforts ahead of the surjan new mutations that could be more painful.

“The best way to prevent an evolving virus from happening is to replicate, and so on. evacuating the person the fastest speed possible“, advirtió.

For his part, the investigator at the Israel Medical Center Beth Israel Deaconess of Harvard University, Dan Barouch, said “there is a different pandemic”.

Barouch, which helped to dismantle the J&J vaccine, said that there is now a wide variety of new variants circulating around the world, including in Brazil, South Africa and the United States, which are increasingly resistant to the anti-vaccine vaccine.

As for the Pfizer, one of the most unveiled vacancies against COVID-19, the company’s adviser, Albert Bourla, claims that there is “a high probability” that emerging variants will also be ineffective.

“Todavía no es el caso (…), pero creo que es muy probabil que un día eso ocurra”, dijo Bourla en el Foro Eonómico Mundial, ante las dudas de si con la Pfizer ocurría algo similar.

The company Modern, in exchange, informed the passing moon that his vacancy was effective against the new variants of coronavirus found.

We also plan to launch clinical trials of a new version of its vaccine against the South African variant of COVID-19, by which demonstration will produce a reduced anti-cancer response to the authorized version of Modern.
