South Africa suspends AstraZeneca vaccine application; study study that offers less protection against covid-19 variant

(CNN) – South African health officials say the home that suspended the application in the vaccine country against the AstraZeneca coronavirus has been known to have a mosquito study that offers reduced protection against the covid-19 variant identified by the first.

During an information session the Domingo, the Minister of Health of South Africa, Dr. Zweli Mkhize said that the temporary suspension means the scientists will be able to implement the AstraZeneca vaccine in the most effective way. Mkhize says that South Africa is advancing with the delivery of vacancies manufactured by Pfizer / BioNTech and Johnson & Johnson.

The first published dates suggest the dominoes dose of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine will only provide a “minimum protection” against covid-19 live and moderate of the variant identified by the first time in South Africa.

What the studio says about AstraZeneca’s vacancy

The studio, which has not been published, includes 2,000 volunteers who are tenants and 31 years of promotion. Approximately the midwife receives the vaccine and the midwife receives a placebo, which is not needed.

The viral neutralization against variant B.1.351 is “substantially reduced” in comparison with the coronavirus anterior cephalus, the investigators say in a press release. The evacuation efficiency was not evaluated against the covid-19 grave, the hospitalization and the death.

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The details of the investigative studio of the University of South Africa’s Witwatersrand and others, as well as the University of Oxford, will be shared in a press release. The results will be sent for revision in pairs and a preliminary version will be published soon, said Oxford.

In a statement issued today, a spokesman for AstraZeneca said that the company was “working closely with the Ministry of Health of South Africa on the best way to support the serious evaluation of variant B.1.351 and to start the work.” South Africans should try to get out.

AstraZeneca creates a vacancy that will protect against variant

The communication states that the company creates that its vacancy will be protected against the serious injury of the new variant B.1.351, in particular when the dosing interval is increased to 12 weeks.

In an anterior statement, the company said that it was working with the University of Oxford to adapt the vaccine to variant B.1.351 in order to “be listed for entry in autumn in case of need”.

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The domingo, Maria Van Kerkhove, leader of the World Health Organization for covid-19, said that the OMS Independent vacancies panel will meet on Monday to discuss the AstraZeneca vacancy and what the new study means for the vacancies in the future.

Van Kerkhove told CBS ‘Face the Nation that some preliminary studies suggest a reduced efficiency. But, newly, our studies have not been fully published ».

Aggregate that it is fundamental to have more than one safe and effective vaccine: “We can trust in a single product”.
