Sonde Leo Messi habríamos ganado más titulos: Sergio Ramos

Mexico City /

Amazon will train ‘The Legend of Sergio Ramos’ this year, the defense documentary Real Madrid, and in one of the reflective episodes on Lionel Messi and his era in it Barcelona, quien les ‘quitó’ varios kampeonatos.

‘A Messi he hemos sufrido dura est epoch que, quizás, si no lo hubiese tenido el Barcelona y nee lo hubiésemos tenido delante, creo que habríamos ganado más titulos”, Dijo.

In this same theme I talked about the stage in which you have to compete with the bluegrass with José Mourinho como entrenador, a stranger the cost competes with the Catalans in the play on the titles and is constantly disputed by its acts or statements to the contrary Classics.

“I have a time when we are in the best Barcelona of history. We will train a great coach like them Mourinho pero nos costaba enfrentarlos.

Geen ganamos mucho y también porque hubo una tensions generada nie by them or by us. Creo that here cometimos errors all and less bad than our tomo in one edad más madura. We will solve and solve for a single Selection ”, added.

During the period of Sleeve in the white entity formed a great rivalry with Pep Guardiola, who gave him his best years ago Barcelona before leaving Bayern munich of 2013.
