“Somos el ultimo eslabón. If it is broken, the patient dies ”| Sociedad

Ricardo Gimeno, jefe clínico de Medicina Intensiva de La Fe de Valencia, has the largest and the UCI del hospital.
Ricardo Gimeno, jefe clínico de Medicina Intensiva de La Fe de Valencia, has the largest and the UCI del hospital.Monica Torres

When the door of the UCI of the hospital La Fe de Valencia opened, the intensive care physician Ricardo Gimeno was asked if he would take the day off. If you read a patient with a terror car, that car has not seen any of the coronavirus. It tends to echo mano of its optimism in order to observe a young nurse disturbed the critical that is its tarea. O pe ocurrirá lo peor: incumplir esa promesa – “saldrás de esta” – que le hizo a un infermo antes de intubarlo. On the other hand, there are 34 units of the unit. All occupants are critically ill with coronavirus. Each one is an incognito. And a tremendous demand. “With those steps of the allegory to the pen because empeoran very fast and revised”, relates Gimeno, section chief, of 46 years, “the Mayoria his youth or the median edad, and sanos, is not an abuelos . It’s 15 days ago it’s perfect and now it’s enfrentan al peor lance de su vida. It’s very frustrating ”.

The doctor finds himself in a territory, the Valencian Community, specially isolated for the third day of the pandemic. The quarters cover 80.5% of the public critics’ rooms (and there are about 10 of them in hospitalization), according to autonomous official dates, Occupy the second place, by way of La Rioja, at UCI with 58% of the cameras covered by the total of those that can be habilitated. In this scenario, Gimeno mantiene el tipo, reparte animos, pero se siente muy chansado: “Son ya manyos de battles y no ves el finale”.

In La Fe, the UCI is expanding: patients covid occupy the thirds of the Resuscitation Unit. They are not infected with coronavirus, infarcts or accidents, are included in the Postanesthesia Recovery (URPA). In total, the doctor calculates 78 el four nests. It is known that it houses the most critical rooms in the surgical areas inside this hospital, the largest in the community. Other centers are in a dramatic situation, as is Alcoy, located with 2,700 cases per 100,000 residents, which has prepared the cafeteria for living in Elche, which has the same capillary.

The doctor was a mayor, although the UCI did not take note of the brutal contagion of the contagios (6,122 this Saturday). And this is the second community with the most critical patients, 695, following the last dates. In the chats of the intensivists, the message that most read is: “We are not going to measure the patients”. Buskar sitio is the easiest way to find specialists. Necesitan is supported by doctors of other disciplines, such as anesthetists, internists or neurologists. “We can provide space, yes, but there is a lack of personal nursing staff,” the doctor lamented. “We need constant medical and nursing attention, whether through nursing or through direct contact. Every day we ask, we are 10, we know, what are we going to do? No hay enough personal and tampoko personal entrenado ”, dice.

The doctor Gimeno passes the hours following the EPI, exchanges beats and gaps between each patient — the infections, common in these units, are multiplied by three, insure — give the air, intubation, receiving and changing men and women require maneuvers as urgent as delicacies. “This requires a lot of concentration and can make mistakes.” And through the visit, we call it the family. In veces, to include the recovery promises. Others, to share experiences. Continuously listening to the algae of this family that has been contagious in the comedy nights or for the most young member: “What a bad night! If lo hubiera sabido … ”. “Pero ya lo sabían y esta enfermedad es una lottería. Hemos tenido a pasientes muy jóvenes, muy muy malitos ”, señala.

“As a doctor, it’s only that he lives in my life”, double stone, “he has the most passionate, because it is a reto that is up to 200%”. The primavera pico, with all the finishes, was smoked for a while. “And only cohabiting patients, not illegitimate, not having traffic accidents, the person does not come to the hospital”, recorded. Now eat the same collapse, but with ingrown vertebrae by distant molars. “The intensivists are very vocal and we do not have to attend to it well, in an optimal way, in other places, those who suffer from sepsis or infarctions. I was wrong ”. From the beginning of the crisis, this lamentation, to the advancement of serious patients, because it has happened, it has not been able to deal with the technical and humane mayor, it is in the labs of these specialists.

Gimeno ha hecho cuatro guardias esta semana. In one of those cases where he had to go to another hospital and a young sanitary facility with extracorporeal oxygen from his pregnancy. He killed two patients. “And so with all the people on the street, haciendo tardeos. Siento rabia because the situation is ido the menos “, dice,” we do not need the authorities to methane in our homes “. In that case, the consulate — all at home, when a patient has been killed by someone — lies with his wife, whom he asks. How patients are treated. O de su mujer, también intensivista.

Añora regresar al ordaado, collectiv, de antes de la pandemia. “Now we can be together, according to the safety media, but we intend to have cohesion in the team. We repeat that we are the ultimate hope, the ultimate slave and if we break, the patient dies ”. Dentro of the anomaly cotidianidad of the pandemic, of when in when hay alegrías. Los que se van de alta. The ones that regress, pero andando. “There is a lot going on when patients from primary care come to the hospital and go to the hospital.” And also moments in the one that sums up the emotional logs: “Ayer [por el jueves] despert a patient intubated from the 4th of December. The records of his wife and his wife. And we will pony up to lose ”.

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