Somewhere to lie before the house: the tragedy of the Venezuelan exodus in Latin America | International

Venezuelan migrants in an improvised camp in Bogotá's tributaries, in June 2020.
Venezuelan migrants in an improvised camp in Bogotá’s tributaries, in June 2020.RAUL ARBOLEDA / AFP

More than five million Venezuelans opted to emigrate, employed by the economic and social crisis that plagued their countries since Nicolás Maduro left for power, in 2013. Of those, 4.6 million are in the region. Although the numbers vary constantly, 1.7 million are spent in Colombia, followed by Peru, Chile, Ecuador and Brazil, which albergan migrants and refugees for hundreds of miles. The quarantines and means of confinement decreed by the Governors in order to contain the covid-19 he had failed to gain life in his communes of acogida. In Colombia, for example, in the midst of every single year, the pathways to informality and the pursuit of a migratory and flexible migration policy internationally have been taken up in the wake of the pandemic of the eviction of migrant families from pensions pagar, en plena cuarentena nacional.

Many migrant families are living in Latin America. While the region is set to face a precedent, with humanitarian needs, economic strains caused by the coronavirus pandemic last year, it has had a devastating effect on the most vulnerable. And between them, the Venezuelans, who suelen afrontar altísimos levels of informality in the cities where he found refuge, he sent the golpe with special crudeza. Obstacles that frighten in order to integrate its enormities, and the sanitary crisis has exacerbated the risk that the ways of living will force them to live.

Despite its adversities and economic precariousness, the Mayor of Migrant Toddia prefers to stay in the cities he has visited before moving to Venezuela, signaling a study on the sale of migrants in the region, published by this school on office of the High Commission of the United Nations for Refugees (ACNUR). La Regional Survey of Displaced Persons of Refugees and Migrants of Venezuela, First of all, it is part of the regional coordination platform between various agencies for refugees and migrants of Venezuela (R4V) and the relationship with the migrants of the migrant persons of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH).

The pilgrimage of the descendants

The migrants “prefer to stay in the habitats in the habitable areas, mainly in the cities in which there is a risk of desalination and including in those that have been depleted”, according to the document. “In general terms it seems that regressing to Venezuela puts at risk the personal integrity of its families and impossibility to have adequate media outlets. Mostly, even though they are in precarious conditions, they prefer to stay in the locality, as long as they regress to their country, ”he said between his words. Integration is perceptive as the solution lasts longer, then more than 82% have the intention to quarrel in the catchment area. Only 7% of the people surveyed consider return as an alternative.

In many cases, radiography is alarming. The Mayor of Venezuela’s Refugee and Migrant Masters in the Vivien region leases homes or particular dwellings, has contracted in its verbal majority – a 73% – and in minor proportion, writes, explains the information. It carried out more than a thousand interviews with its cities: Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Dominican Republic and Guyana – about 90% of the polls correspond to the three countries of the Andean region–. These accommodations are in many cases not subject to the minimum conditions of public service, nor sufficient accommodation. The metadata hogares interviewed live in a solitary dwelling, and the investigators apuntan a relationship between forced sales and hacinamiento. Moreover, when conflicts arise, state intervention is bad.

“These conflicts in turn to the neighbors and the staff are present due to the lack of opportunities and mediums of life of the higher education institutions, and there are many more conflicts, on the occasion of the social and sanitary crisis of covid-19, the proportion of refugee and migrant workers in Venezuela is at risk of deportation or deportation, and the mediating measures taken by the governors of the region to avoid the deportations of the kwesbaar population; medidas, que sin embargo, tuvieron short duration or on occasions not observed observed ”, signals the analysis.

In accordance with its principal recommendations, it advises local and national authorities to adopt all necessary administrative and legislative measures to guarantee dignified living conditions for refugees and migrants in Venezuela, including the support provided by the social service .

También also recalls that, in order to increase its access to the living state offer, the Governors should promote the regularization of the migratory status of refugees and migrants – as has been announced in Colombia, which proposes to regularize one million documents. Here’s how to put one together for use with our people who can help them in any situation. “The need to guarantee public policies for access to life as a step forward in regularization efforts is key and we want to avoid further dramatic situations such as those observed by us in recent years” Venezuelans.

The control bodies, recommend the document, need to complete a more decisive paper on the legal assessment and mediation processes, which can reduce the xenophobia and discrimination atmosphere. Other studies have shown that Venezuelan migrants play a crucial role, with a mayor included, can help their communities to recover from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Access to a digital life takes place as the first requisite to detonate this potential.
