Some close proximity to Alex Saab’s addition to United States

El Aeropuerto Internacional Amílcar Cabral de Cabo Verde
El Aeropuerto Internacional Amílcar Cabral de Cabo Verde

Following the case of the Supreme Court of Cape Verde’s Justice Court which authorized the extradition of Alex Saab, it is hoped that the Colombian emperor, testator of the dictator Nicolás Maduro, will be transferred to the United States.

However, its defensive logarma will interpolate to the time an ultimate appeal in the case. But it will not prosper this last medium -which will resolve in a period between weeks and months- Saab will effectively be extradited to North American countries, where it will be accused of white money.

If this is the case at the end of the day, Saab will be escorted to Amílcar Cabral International Airport, also known as Sal International Airport, which is located in the island of Sal. Treated by the most important area terminal of Cape Verde. Alli debería recruits a team from the DEA, the Administration of Control of Drugs estadounidense, which will be a cargo of fuel.

“It has been notified to the Department of State (EU) and will now proceed with the Justice”, informs the Colombian periodical El Tiempo, citing a federal source, before the defense intercepts the appeal. Joe Biden’s Governor Notice went through the Office of External Relations.

Alex Saab before being arrested
Alex Saab before being arrested

According to the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice of Cape Verde, where you have access to the news agency EFE, The Supreme Authority authorizes the extradition to reopen the appeal of Saab’s defense appeal and confirms the decision of an inferior court to approve the empress’ entry, detained in the African country since the June 12th petition of the EU.

The judgments of the Supreme Court will accordingly decide the appeal and confirm, in all legal effects, the impugned decision“, Declared the favorable case in the extradition that dictated the year passed the Tribunal of Appeals of Barlavento, held in the Seventeen Island of San Vicente, following the sentence.

The High Court Dice “confirm the judicial authorization for the application of the applicant (Saab) to the United States”.

Saab is accused of being a test taker of Nicolás Maduro
Saab is accused of being a test taker of Nicolás Maduro

The deliberation of the Supreme also considered that Cape Verde has not been involved in the decisions of the Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad Económica de Estados de Africa Occidental (CEDEAO), that the passing moon fell against the extradition of the testaferro and ordered its immediate release.

For example, following the caboverdiano high court, the sentence of the CEDEAO court will not be accepted by the judicial authorities of this island country of West Africa.

The Colombian, 49 years old, held on June 12, 2020 when the plane in which it was traveling escalated to land at the International Airport Amilcar Cabral of the caboverdiana island of Sal, through a standing petition filed by Interpol for blank money.

Colombian passport of Alex Saab
Colombian passport of Alex Saab

The empress, born in Barranquilla and of Lebanese origin, is associated with various companies, between them Group Grand Limited (GGL), refused to submit to food subsidies for a program of aid to the disadvantages of the Maduro regime, known as CLAP. An official of the governing state indicated in July 2019 that with the CLAP, Saab and the three hijackers of Maduro won “millions of dollarsDe Manera espuria.

The number of Saab jumps to the palestra of the media when Venezuelan tax ex Luisa Ortega is accused in 2017 of being a Maduro test taker. Since the EUEUU, between November 2011 and September 2015, Saab and his manor, Álvaro Enrique Pulido, have been fined USD 350 million through the exchange control system. As confabularon otros par o lavar sus elancias ilicitas y transferirlas des Venezuela a cuentas bancarias stadounidenses, Washington tiene jurisdiction en el case.

With EFE information


The Justice of Cape Verde authorized the extradition of Alex Saab to the United States
Alex Saab, test taker of Nicolás Maduro, cancels the silence in Cape Verde: “No collaboration with United States”
The Incredible Legend of Revolution by Alex Saab
