“Solté dynamite, but you can hit the bomb”

Hugo Fernández met with ESPN Digital about a signal he sent to Enrique Bonilla on his social speeches

“Solté la dinamita, pero puedo soltar la bomba”, assegura Hugo Fernández, has been published in Facebook that Enrique Bonilla, executive president of the MX League, the “$ 50 million” petition.

“Digo what I pass. He who wants to create, what he creates, he who does not, who does not create. If I want a request, adelante. I want to keep it different. I have the pressure not to read me”, ratified. sin dudar un solo moment.

If you look for the president of the MX league, Enrique Bonilla, but at the moment when the note is not published, he has responded to our messages.

The Uruguayan who joined Puebla commented on the success of the previous stage in directing the Dorados of Sinaloa, in 2006, and the argument for soliciting money was that there was a demand against Culiacán’s team, and that he should not take the mandate of the escalators.

Veracruz me quiso contratar, quuando staba Raúl Quintana, Bonilla le llamó diciéndole que yo staba en una demand o algo por el style. It’s ridiculous, because I’ve been asking Dorados why I’re paying. I was a diner who debated the directive and advertised it for me as a heathen, he defended me, but he could pay me money. Yo por decir la verdad no pude dirigir más ”, narrated Hugo Fernández.

“I like the fact that he hiccupes (a request), there he will be disembarking as he will have a request from me”.

Despite his experience with the Dorados of Sinaloa, Hugo Fernández took the lead in Mexico and acknowledged that on various occasions the money was paid to return to the banks.

“I want to explain something. I decided that Rocha Bandala’s tenien had no part in the dinner, but Rocha Bandala’s senator did not tell me anything, he was not present at that meeting. Because money is a sign that failure, it is a lie, I do not know how to aggravate, because I do not have a care between Enrique Bonilla and you, ”said Fernández. “Asking me in Japan, never even a peso to a player, a nadie, because I am not alive. Llevo como 14 años sin dirigir, hice tan mal las cosa par un dirigir, todas las veces que dirigí al Puebla lo classifiqué ya Dorados lo subí a Primera división ”.
