Soltando el control ¿Cómo lograr tener más paz?

Take control of the things that happen to us when we are the person; but you can convert to a pesadilla if you claim to have control of everything in our life.

The reality is that we do not have control over many things that pass through our minds and it is important to learn that we can be good, we do not need control.

One of the big problems that tienen the people who want to exercise control is that they are enslaved by slaves and their children, converting them to life and to those who are rodents in a torture.

Beyond the need to check, there is a way that it is necessary to identify. It is important to note that preoccupation and constant constant control of the research affect our physical and emotional health.

Consequences of not being in control

  • Constant preoccupations
  • Ansiedad
  • Irritability or courage when unable to maintain control
  • Frustration and interpersonal problems debit and control tools
  • Unsatisfactory e infelicidad
  • Physical problems associated with high pressure, muscular pain, among other things

How to maintain a balance in the way of control?

  • Identify the source of the problem that needs to be controlled.
  • Pasearte por tus miedos. When we have the opportunity to explore and confront our girls, pierden intensity.
  • This powder process will benefit the mayor if it has a therapeutic space.
  • Accept that we can not control everything.
  • Make an identification request of the things that can actually be inside your control (eg. What time to despair, if you have an activity or not) versus other things that are under your control (eg. If you believe, if you are geen hace algo que prometió hacer). This powder will help in the acceptance process.
  • Gain flexibility because of the things you want to be in control of, you can be affected by improvised situations (eg. Give the car) and need to have the ability to modify the planes.
  • Look for professional help if you know that it is possible to balance the need for control and it affects your physical, emotional and / or social life.

The idea is to enjoy life and support control

We do not believe that life is a solitude and that we live with passion but we can enjoy every moment without the need to be in control.

The spontaneous situations that our surprising pueden represent a reto, but also pueden traer apprenticeships and adventures that pueden can increase our age of allegiance and are receptive to acceptors.

Please note that this information does not require a consultation with an emotional health professional. For mayor information can be found at 984-974-3795.
